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时间:2022-06-11 14:56来源:毕业论文

摘要设计的本质是让人们更好的表达情感,因此手绘会通过设计表达它所蕴含的深意,比如设计者在为消费者展现商品理念等内容的过程中,仅仅凭借语言表达很难清楚去诠释商品的特点;所以很多情况下要凭借图画来进行阐述,这样才会让人们更好的理解其内涵。在某种层面上讲,设计可以让手绘更具有深意,令它更具深意,富有思想。《手绘在装置作品中的运用》这一创作正是一种的特殊的艺术展现手法,突破之前一直沿袭的绘画材料展现手法,为绘画作品的展现增添了新形式。通过透明伞的道具与马克笔的手绘表现结合起来形成一种新的艺术形式,是到达最终效果的基础。想要做到“尽精微、致广大”,能够把形象展现的活灵活现,做到以假乱真的程度,必须能够对展现手法有自己独到的见解。我们一定要铭记,手绘艺术体现的不单单是一个设计品,更为一个艺术品。本文从的方面进行论述,强调手绘对于设计师的重要性。 81450


The use of hand drawing in installations

Abstract: The design service for the people, and hand-painted by design reflects its value, such as the designers of communication with customers in a product design or plan if only through the exchange of language is unable to achieve the communication effect, to allow customers to fully understand the intention of the designer; so often displayed by graphic language expression, illustrations for customers at a glance。 In a sense, design also helps to draw a hand with depth and meaning, which makes it not only on the surface techniques, but as a means of expressing design ideas。 The application of hand drawing in installation works is a special form of art expression, which breaks the limitations of traditional painting materials and expands the expressive space of painting art。 By combining certain props with hand-painted performance to form a new art form, it is the basis for reaching the final effect。 Only do the performance method of dialectic to achieve "make subtle, caused the majority of the ideological level, in the performance of China to form a mass transfer as God, achieve vivid artistic level and height; you know, painting is not only a design work, it is a work of art。 This paper discusses the importance of hand drawing to designers。

Key words:Art design、Installation art、Hand、Features、Fossil image


上海应用技术大学 1

本科毕业设计(论文) 1

题目:手绘在装置作品中的运用 1

摘要 2

目录 4

绪论 5

一、手绘艺术 5

(1)手绘艺术的定义 5

(2)手绘艺术的历史渊源 5

二、本选题的意义与国内外研究发展 6

(1)本选题的意义 6

(2)国内外的研究发展状况 6

三、《远祖伞》系列的创作思路 7

(1)初步思路与探索 7

四、《远祖伞》系列的创作过程 10

(1)制作过程以及功能 10

五、创作的核心思想 10

结论 手绘在装置作品中的运用:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_95190.html
