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时间:2022-08-03 21:14来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词  经济型酒店  品牌经营  室内设计

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title    The Brand-oriented Interior Design for The Economic Hotel :        A Case Study of “Han She”                                                           

Abstract The economic hotels which are mainly focus on the middle and low-end market, have got a fast development since they formally entered Chinese market in the 1990s, benefiting from China’s huge population base with its low per capita income。 Meanwhile, considering that the cosumers are now becoming increasingly rational,

the economic hotels have got a wider audience, followed by the sharp increase number of such hotels, which, made the competiton even more intense in this area。 Therefore, the economic hotels should form its own style with distinctive features and build a brand image with difference to others, which, is definetely an important initiative to break the deaklock of the homogeneous competition between the economic hotels of China。

This article is based upon the analysis and understanding of the economic hotels and mainly according to the brand features, the marketing type and the cosumer market of the economic hotel, trying to sum up and analyse its design concepts and methods。 Then, it would take “Han She” for instance to give a state。 

Keywords  the economic hotel  brand manegement  interior design

 目   次 

1  引言  1

2  相关概念  2

2。1  有关经济型酒店的定义  2

2。2  对于品牌经营的解读  2

2。3  经济型酒店品牌建设的战略研究  3

3  以品牌策划为导向的经济型酒店室内设计分析  5

3。1  现有问题  5

3。2  解决对策  5

3。3  设计要点  6

  4  项目实践——以“寒舍”为例 9

  4。1  项目概述  9 

  4。2  logo设计  9 

  4。3  室内设计分析  10

  5  项目效果展示  14

结论  16

致谢  17


1  引言

经济型酒店自从在上世纪末进入中国市场,得益于国家对旅游业的大力扶持,一直保持着高速的发展。发展初期,中高档的酒店比例较高,在旅游逐步变得普及的过程中,经济型酒店也应时而生。这类酒店在保证较为舒适卫生的环境和较高服务标准的同时,又具有相对低廉的价格,符合多数消费者群体对于短期在外住宿的基本需求,许多大规模经济型连锁酒店也由此得以发展。 品牌策划为导向寒舍经济型酒店室内设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_97395.html
