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时间:2022-08-27 10:36来源:毕业论文

摘要全球一体化的进程淡化了国界的概念,人们的生活方式、审美品位与生活追求在全球范围内开始趋同。美式风格、欧式田园风格以及日式风格的装饰、家具占据了中国的市场,并取得了相当的市场份额。在此背景下,随着中国国力的日渐强盛和社会的不断发展,中国人的民族意识也逐渐觉醒,中国国内的设计渐渐兴盛,民族设计开始增多,中式风格的家居用品也逐渐走出国门,走向了世界。为适应当下不同地域、不同消费层次甚至不同国家用户的喜好,古典与现代相结合的新中式家具应运而生,新中式风格的家具也在市场竞争中占据重要位置。新中式风格家具能够更好的适应当代用户的审美趣味,实现与用户需求的多层次对接,本文从设计理念和外形方面阐述了新中式设计的核心,以简约化设计为例展示了新中式家具设计理念在现代生活中的运用与实践。 83499


abstract Modern society has been completely westernized, both production and life, and furniture is uniformly simple European or American country style。 For a time, it seems that people have completely forgotten that there is the existence of Chinese style furniture。 China is rising, is the revival, in addition to the rapid development of society, China's traditional culture is gradually recovering, the Chinese people call for the return of traditional culture is increasingly strong。 Also, as an important part of life, furniture has become the focus of the pursuit of cultural recovery。 In the Chinese furniture market in recent years, the modern Chinese style furniture - New Chinese style furniture is sudden appearance of a new force, become compete with European and American furniture of furniture style。 Indeed, the history of the development of new Chinese style furniture is very short, the existence of problems still has a lot of, is still a part of consumers to the new Chinese style furniture concept fully recognized, the new Chinese in modern production and modern people for changes in the aesthetic requirements of the furniture has become a new Chinese design development needs to be solved。 However, we believe that the new Chinese in the future development will certainly continue to break through, and constantly innovate, there will be a bright future。

Keywords:New Chinese style; furniture; design; industrialization; innovation


第一章 绪论-1

1。1 研究背景1

1。2 国内新中式家具现状1

1。3 国内新中式的普遍设计理念1

1。4 本文主要研究内容2

第二章  新中式家具综合调研-3

2。1 需求分析3

   2。1。1 消费群体分析-3

   2。1。2 用途分析-3

   2。1。3 新中式家具的特点-3

   2。1。4 新中式家具的功能需求分析-3

   2。1。5 使用环境分析-3

   2。1。6 功能需求分析-3

2。2 发展趋势4

第三章 新中式家具和传统中式家具的不同之处-5

3。1 功能上的区别5

3。2 材料之间的区别5

3。3 工艺的不同6

第四章 新中式家具遵循的设计理念-7

4。1 以中国传统文化精神为核心理念的新中式家具设计7

4。2 借鉴国际家具设计先进理念8

4。3 总结-10

第五章 新中式设计亟待解决的问题-11

5。1 设计理念中的审美取向-11

   5。1。1 东西方文化差异11

   5。1。2 新中式重在新11

5。2 工业模式下的家具生产-12

   5。2。1 工业生产模式12

   5。2。2 新材料和新工艺的利用12 新中式座椅创新设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_98453.html
