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时间:2018-08-26 21:58来源:毕业论文

Diagnosis and treatment of canine intestinal obstruction
Abstract: In veterinary clinic, canine intestinal obstruction is a common acute abdomen in dogs, which characterized by persistent vomiting, abdominal pain and obvious systemic symptoms. It usually brings about the disorders of hydro-electrolyte equilibrium and acid-base, and even leads to shock. Currently, the incidence of canine intestinal obstruction is increasing all around the country, but there are still many problems exist on diagnosis and treatment, such as misdiagnosis and inappropriate medication, which causes the delay in the condition and decrease the therapeutic effect. This subject will be based on the latest research situation home and abroad, combing the clinical data, to analyze and discuss the diagnosis and treatment of canine intestinal obstruction. It aims to obtain more efficient and accurate diagnosis methods and treatment programs.
Keywords: canine; intestinal obstruction; diagnosis; surgery
摘要    1
关键字    1
Abstract    1
Keywords    1
1 材料与方法    1
1.1 材料    1
1.2 诊断方法    2
1.2.1 整体及一般检查    2
1.2.2 消化系统检查    2
1.2.3 实验室检查    2
1.2.4 影像学检查    2
1.3 治疗方法    2
1.3.1 保守治疗    2
1.3.2 手术治疗    3
1.3.2 术后护理    3
2 结果    3
2.1 诊断结果    3
2.1.1 整体及一般检查结果    3
2.1.2 消化系统检查结果    4
2.1.3 实验室检查结果    4
2.1.4 影像学检查结果    5
2.2 治疗结果    5
2.2.1 保守治疗结果    5
2.2.2 手术治疗结果    6
2.2.3 术后护理    6
3 讨论    6
3.1 分类和病因    6
3.1.1 机械性肠梗阻    6
3.1.2 动力性(功能性)肠梗阻    6
3.2 诊断    7
3.2.1 临床表现    7
3.2.2 临床检查    7
3.2.3 影像学检查    7
3.3 治疗    8
3.3.1 保守治疗    8
3.3.2 手术治疗    8
3.3.3 对症治疗    8
致谢    9
参考文献    9
犬肠梗阻病是犬的一种急腹症,常因患犬误食异物或肠管内不正常内容物积滞以及肠管的分泌机能和运动机能紊乱等引起患犬肠腔狭窄或闭塞,主要以持续性呕吐、剧烈腹痛及一些明显的全身症状为特征[1]。该病可导致患犬的水、电解质平衡失调,酸碱平衡紊乱,肠内毒素积聚,严重时还可能引发患犬休克[2]。临床上对于该病的诊断一般是根据患犬是否存在吞食异物的病史,患犬的临床症状以及腹部触诊敏感等做出初步判定,进一步确诊还需要借助于影像学检查。目前,国内外犬肠梗阻病的常用诊断技术主要包括超声波检查和X线检查,临床治疗上也依据患犬病情不同分为保守疗法和手术疗法两种治疗方案。本文通过一例犬肠梗阻临床诊疗病例,对该病的临床诊断和治疗进行研究,希望能为临床实践提供参考。 一例犬肠梗阻的诊断与治疗:http://www.youerw.com/yixue/lunwen_21967.html