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时间:2020-07-08 21:40来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Objective: to improve the level of cognition of hypertension in the elderly and provide scientific evidence for emphasis. Methods: using numerical and investigation records, face-to-face measuring blood pressure in the elderly, to inputs data statistics and analysis. Results: (1) the survey in the number of 702 people, 314 people suffering from high blood pressure (44.7%). (2) the age of 70~79 and 80~89 the proportion of elderly people suffering from high blood pressure is higher than other age groups.(3)life habit to exercise more, drinking less, eating light, water more, good sleep, keep cheerful mood the proportion of elderly people suffering from high blood pressure is much lower than other old people. Conclusion: the incidence of Nanjing Xuanwu District nursing the elderly hypertension is higher, control is not high, for the treatment of hypertension knowledge and how to still need to strengthen.

Keywords:elderly,  hypertension,  age,  living habits

目  录

1  前言 4

2  资料与方法 4

2.1  一般资料 5

2.2  测量仪器 5

2.3  测量数据标准 5

2.3.1  疾病学特征的评估标准 5

2.3.2  生活习惯评估标准 5

2.4  方法 6

2.4.1  调查记录 6

2.4.2  测量血压 6

2.4.3  统计学处理数据 6

3  结果 6

3.1  对象 6

3.2  不同年龄阶段男女高血压检出率对比表 6

3.3  老年人不同生活习惯罹患高血压对比表 7

3.4  老年人曾经教育情况和工作情况高血压检出率对比表 8

4  讨论 9

结  论 10

参考文献 11

致  谢 12

1  前言


2013年5月据中国新华网报道,我国成年人中高血压患病人数已超3.3亿人,平均每三个成年人中就有一个人患高血压,且高血压病患有年轻化的趋势,25岁~34岁的年轻男性中高血压患病率高达20.4%[2]。而现今我国年龄组成发展趋向老龄化,如何让老年人更了解、防治及控制高血压已成为首要问题。源^自·优尔·文.论,文'网]www.youerw.com 南京养老院老年人高血压患病情况调查:http://www.youerw.com/yixue/lunwen_56036.html
