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时间:2021-07-01 20:37来源:毕业论文



Drug distribution studies in mice liver after oral administration of rutin

Abstract:Rutin is a kind of source is very wide flavonol glycosides compounds, exists in the locust trees, especially in the fruit of sophora japonica, the most abundant in content. Rutin has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesia, antivirus, allergy, oxidation resistance, reduce capillary permeability and pharmacological inhibition of aldose reductase activity. Clinical used in the prevention and treatment of cerebral hemorrhage, hypertension, retinal hemorrhage, purpura, and acute hemorrhagic nephritis. The purpose of this experiment is by using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) technique, research within liver organs in mice after oral rutin pharmacokinetic change rule. This experiment is to first use of high performance liquid chromatography determination of different concentration rutin standard peak, through the rutin standard solution in vitro experiment simulation of rutin in mice liver metabolism, and finally make oral rutin standard solution in mice, testing different times the pharmacokinetic change rule of rutin in the liver of mice, study its pharmacokinetic parameters, compare similarities and differences of in vivo and in vitro experiments, for the future rutin provide references of clinical medication.

Key  words: rutin; high performance liquid chromatography; pharmacokinetics


前言 3

1. 材料与方法 4

1.1主要试剂与仪器 4

1.2  芦丁的来源与保存 4

1.3高效液相色谱(HPLC)检测分析芦丁的标准曲线 4

1.4 离体肝脏匀浆液对芦丁的代谢作用 5

1.5口服芦丁后小鼠肝脏内药物的分布 5

2.结果与分析 6

2.1芦丁标准曲线的建立 6

2.2离体肝脏匀浆液对芦丁的代谢 7

2.3肝脏组织内芦丁分布 9

2.4 芦丁的回收率 10

2.5 半衰期 11

2.6 表观分布容积 11

2.7 总体清除率的计算 11

3.结论 12

4.致谢 12

5.参考文献 13


芦丁,又名芸香甙、维生素 P[1]、紫槲皮甙 、路丁、路丁粉、路通、络通、紫皮甙等,为浅黄色针状结晶(水),味微苦,熔点为177-178 ℃,略溶于水,能溶于热水及乙醇[2-3],遇光易变质,需在阴凉处保存,是一种来源很广的黄酮类化合物。芦丁来源于芸香叶、冬青科毛冬青、木樨科连翘、豆科槐角以及烟草叶、枣、杏、橙皮、番茄等植物中[4]。芦丁是豆科植物槐的花蕾(槐米)果实、金丝桃科植物红旱莲全草,芸香科植物芸香全草挥发油及蓼科植物荞麦籽苗中的主要充分。芦丁是一种维生素类药物,具有很多药理作用,如毛细血管的通透性降低时,芦丁可以增强毛细血管的脆性,使毛细血管恢复到正常,芦丁在临床医学上主要用于抗炎、抗病毒、防治高血压、脑溢血、糖尿病、视网膜出血、紫癜、抗老化和防辐射等,其治疗慢性支气管炎总有效率为84.4%,治脑血管病有效率为87.8%以及治视网膜水肿和出血有效率为88% 。文献综述 口服芦丁后小鼠肝内的药物分布研究:http://www.youerw.com/yixue/lunwen_77795.html
