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时间:2017-06-18 08:35来源:毕业论文

关键词: 隔代教育;家庭结构;青少年心理
Abstract: In today's China, the fast pace of economic development, social change more profound development, especially Chinese family structure and function of the larger changes, specific performance: "family size continues to shrink, the nuclear family is still; piecedominant family model, the extended family of three generations and over remained unchanged 'empty nesters' meteoric rise, skipped-generation households showed an increasing trend, the improvement of the educational function, and so on. "exacerbating family education, including a series of major changes, especially the inter-generational education, it has become a very popular family education education education phenomenon, it is profoundly changing the status quo of family education, the impact of school education, has been subtly influence a generation into a long, and even society as a whole had a profound and wide-ranging implications.
As we all know, the family education in the upbringing of, cultivate plays an a very important role in in the the the process of socialization of the person's, accompanied by the social Development and Family Transition of the Structure, as a family education one of the an important form of of, the the status of of the taking cross-generational responsibility for the education of, the horizontal how to, in the a certain extent determines forward to the the quality of the of the family education. In the people more and more great importance to the family education of the today, the inter-generational education become more and more the Concerned about the of the people's. Through questionnaires, the status of inter-generational education and inter-generational education impact on the growth of children sample surveys. And finishing the basis of analysis to explore how to improve inter-generational education countermeasures.
Keywords: inter-generational education; family structure; adolescent mental
  中国科学院心理学研究所调查认为,做家长的,特别是隔代家长们的素质远远落后于时代发展和孩子成长的要求。在数万人中间做的一项调查表明,95%以上的家长没有学习过如何教育子女这门学问,其中,隔代家长的这个比例接近100%。 隔代教育对青少年心理成长的影响:http://www.youerw.com/yixue/lunwen_9369.html