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时间:2022-10-06 16:02来源:毕业论文

摘要最近几年来,伴随着国民经济和城市化进程的快速发展,城里的路口越来越拥挤, 交通事故频发,传统的控制方式已经不能有效地解决日益严重的交通问题,交通信号 的最优化控制也是人们需要加深研究的课题。84392

交通信号的最优化控制能不增加基建投入的基础上增加道路的通行率,减少交通 拥塞,具有很好的应用价值。以城市单交叉路口的信号控制为研究对象,利用 MATLAB 仿真建模以及差分进化算法等对城市交通信号控制展开研究,以缓解城市 交通堵塞,提高交通运输效益。

首先,通过排队长度、信号周期、绿信比、路口饱和度以及车流量之间的关系建 模,使用泊松分布模拟个路口的车流量,并针对各个不同的时段不同路口设置不同的 车流量。

其次,在定长交通信号的情况下对路口排队进行模拟,即固定绿信比的情况下进 行模拟,测试在不同车流密度下的排队长度。最后,利用差分进化算法来优化单路口交通信号的绿信比与信号周期,并测试不 同车流密度下算法的表现,制作车流密度与排队长度的关系表。

总之,本文结合建模、差分进化算法等理论基础来优化交通信号,有效地减少拥 堵。


ABSTRACT In recent years, with the rapid development of national economy and the urbanization process, the city's increasingly crowded intersection, traffic accidents occur frequently, traditional control methods can not effectively solve the increasingly serious traffic problems, optimization of traffic signal control is people need to  deepen  research questions。

Based optimal control can not increase investment in infrastructure to increase traffic signals on the road prevailing rate, reduce traffic congestion, has a very good value。 In urban single intersection signal control for the study, modeling and simulation using MATLAB genetic algorithm for urban traffic signal control for studies to ease urban traffic congestion and improve transport efficiency。

First, the queue length relationship modeling, signal cycle, green ratio, saturation, and intersection traffic between junctions using the Poisson distribution simulation of traffic flow, traffic volume and set different for each different time periods without crossing 。

Secondly, in the case of a fixed length of a traffic signal intersection queuing simulation, that simulation testing under different traffic density in the case of fixed queue length of green ratio。

Finally, the differential evolution algorithm to optimize single intersection traffic signals and traffic density under test without the performance of the algorithm, making traffic density and the relationship between the length of the queue table。

In summary, this paper, the theoretical basis of modeling, genetic algorithm to optimize the traffic signal, effectively reducing congestion。

Key words: Single intersection ; The traffic control signal ; Differential evolution;Traffic Flow Simulation


第 1 章 绪论 1

1。1 课题研究的背景及意义 1

1。2 国内外现状 2

1。2。1 国外发展现状 2

1。2。2 国内发展现状 2

1。3 目前的问题 5

1。4 本文的研究工作 5

1。5 本章小结 6

第 2 章 交通信号控制的概念以及几种常见算法 7 单路口交通信号控制MATLAB仿真与优化:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_100053.html
