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时间:2022-11-19 21:46来源:毕业论文


第一部分讲述了ROV的研究背景与意义,在国内外的研究现状,发展历程, ROV的应用以及本文的主要研究内容。







The Mode Conversion Remotely Operated Vehicle (MC-ROV) through continuous research and development, has achieved good results, has become an important underwater equipment, it is widely used in dam safety testing, installation of subsea equipment and maintenance, to detect underwater resources, marine pipeline maintenance and other fields。 The thesis consists of the following components:

The first part describes the background and significance of ROV in the current research, development, main contents ROV applications and herein。

The second part of the talk about the overall structure of ROV designed structure and composition of the console surface and underwater robot body, and its function is introduced。

The third part is all part of the hardware design of the underwater robot body, including the propulsion system, the carrier frame, sealing electronic cabin pressure, mode switching module, climbing wall and various other parts of the purge module。

The fourth part is the software design of underwater robots, mainly PC interactive interface designed for, also designed a communication interface circuit。

Finally, to complete the design performance test underwater robot, including onshore commissioning and commissioning underwater, underwater robot detection, direct, rotary and snorkeling properties were tested。 Experimental results show that the underwater robot designed to achieve performance requirements。

Keywords: underwater robots; console surface; underwater robot body; man-machine interface; performance testing

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1。1 研究背景与意义 1

1。2 国内外研究现状 3

1。2。1 ROV的发展现状 3

1。2。2 ROV的应用 5

1。3 本章小结 7

第二章 MC-ROV的整体结构 8

2。1  引言 8

2。2  ROV整体结构组成 8

2。3  水面控制台设计 10

2。3。1  系统配置 10

2。3。2  水面控制台介绍 10

2。4 水下机器人本体 多功能模态切换有缆遥控水下机器人控制系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_102200.html
