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时间:2022-10-26 21:39来源:毕业论文

摘要在我国,每个地区的气候差别非常大,相同的地区在不同季节和天气的条件下, 温度、湿度、光照强度等都是不相同的,同时,不同植物的生育期所要求的环境条件 也不相同,如果仅仅靠自然条件很难满足和调节。设施农业的出现打破了传统农业一 直依赖自然环境条件生产的旧框框,采用人工环境调控技术,是实现高效率并且实现 可持续发展的一种现代化的农业生产模式,对于未来温室环境调控发展具有十分重要 的意义。84860

针对这种情况,本课题主要是以金针菇为例,设计适合上海地区其生长条件的菇 房低温空调系统,营造一个特殊的人造环境,从而推广金针菇的大规模栽培。本空调 系统设计主要包括以下内容:设施农业中人工环境技术的研究现状;农作物空调系统 的特点分析;了解菇类室内栽培的环境影响因素;菇房的冷负荷计算和空调设备选型; 空调系统换热的设计与选型;菇类不同生长阶段的通风系统设计以及选取能量回收装 置的设计方案;进行冷凝水回收利用的节能设计等。

本菇房低温空调系统在必须引入新风的场合,设置一个能量回收装置。由新风和 排风组成的能量回收装置,是废气利用、节约能源的有效措施。空调系统产生的冷凝 水进行回收到环境换热器中,使空调系统运行达到经济节能的要求。最后,根据设计 的过程及计算结果运用 CAD 绘制菇房空调系统设计图和换热器设计图。


Abstract In our country, the climate of each region is very different,the same area in different seasons and weather conditions, temperature, humidity, light intensity and so on are not the same,meanwhile,the growth period of different plants required by the environmental conditions is not the same,if only rely on the natural condition is very difficult to satisfy and control。The emergence of agricultural facilities to break the traditional agriculture has been

dependent on natural conditions of production of the old frame,the control technology of artificial environment, is a modern agricultural production mode to achieve high efficiency and achieve sustainable development, has very important significance for the future development of greenhouse environment control。

In this kind of situation, mainly by Flammulina as an example, this topic is designed to accommodate its growth conditions of the mushroom house with low temperature air conditioning system, to create a special artificial environment, so as to promote large-scale cultivation of Flammulina。 The air conditioning system design includes the following content: Research status of artificial environment technology in facility agriculture;analysis of the characteristics of the air conditioning system of crops;to understand the effect of environmental factors on indoor cultivation of mushrooms;mushrooms real cold load calculation and air conditioning equipment selection;the design and selection of air conditioning system heat exchanger;mushrooms in different growth stages of ventilation system design and selection of design scheme of energy recovery device;condensed water recycling and energy saving design and so on。

The mushroom house air conditioning system in the low temperature must be introducing the new situation, set an energy recovery device。 By fresh air and exhaust composition of energy recovery device for waste gas utilization and energy saving, is the effective Produced by the air conditioning system of condensed water recovery for the humidifier make up water, so that the operation of the HVAC system to achieve economic and energy saving requirements Finally, according to the design process and calculation results, using CAD drawing mushroom house air conditioning system design and heat exchanger design。 金针菇菇房空调系统空调系统设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_101046.html
