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时间:2022-10-30 11:29来源:毕业论文

摘要近几年来,在工业生产和加工过程中,高粘度液体的纯度越来越受到重视。如果 液体内部含有气泡,或者溶解过多的气体物质,那么必将导致产品工业加工性能指标 大打折扣。所以液体脱泡技术在工业方面具有旺盛的需求。然而,目前暂时还没有成 熟的技术能够做到在高粘度而且低压的液态环境中高效且稳定地脱出气泡。所以研究 液体脱泡技术既可以提高产品质量,降低成本。

本文基于流体力学的基本理论以及气泡生长的只是,分析了气泡从气核的生成到 膨胀,从悬浮到近液面溃灭的过程。从根本上研究了气泡成长的机理,这也是研究高 粘度液体真空脱泡的前提和基础。84944

进一步,通过分析单个气泡运动方程,并且使用 MATLAB 软件和龙格库塔法求 解高阶微分方程,模拟出液体的各种性质,分别从影响液体脱泡效率和稳定性两个方 面入手,横向和纵向地比较了各影响因素。

最后考虑了气泡群内个体之间的作用会影响到流场,所以按照气泡所在群体行为 特征的改变,研究了气泡并排放置和上下放置的运动情况,并且改良了气泡运动方程, 对于之前的结论进一步优化。

毕业论文关键词:气泡受力;单气泡;多气泡;运动方程;Matlab 分析

Abstract In recent years, the purity of high viscosity liquid has been paid more and more attention in the process of industrial production and processing。 If the liquid inside contains bubbles, or dissolved too much gas material, it will lead to product industrial processing performance index is greatly reduced。 So the liquid defoaming technology has strong demand in industry。 However, there is currently no mature technology in high viscosity and low pressure liquid environment,stable to prolapse of bubbles。 So the study of liquid defoaming technology not only can improve the product quality, reduce the cost。

In this paper,on the basic theory of fluid mechanics and bubble growth we will analysis bubbles generated from the gas nucleus to expand, from the suspension to the near surface collapse process。 The mechanism of bubble growth was studied fundamentally, which is the basis of high viscosity liquid vacuum degassing。

Further, through the analysis of single bubble motion equation and use MATLAB software and Runge Kutta method solving high order differential equation, to simulate the properties of the liquid, respectively from the two aspects of the effect of liquid defoaming efficiency and stability,horizontally and vertically, comparing the influence factors。

Finally, the bubbles within the group between the inpidual role will affect the flow field, so changes in the bubble group behaviors of bubbles placed side by side and placed under the movement, and improved the bubble motion equation, prior to the conclusion will be further optimized。

Keywords:Force on the bubble; Single bubble; Bubble group; Motion equation,Analysis of matlab

第一章  绪论 1

1。1 选题背景和意义 1

1。2 高粘度液体脱泡国内外研究现状 1

1。2。1 搅拌脱泡的研究现状综述 2

1。2。2 薄膜脱泡的研究现状综述 2

1。3 论文的主要内容及预期目标 3

1。3。1 论文的主要内容 Matlab液体真空脱泡性能的分析与优化:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_101281.html
