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时间:2022-11-06 20:40来源:毕业论文






Abstract Due to the rapid development of economic, food contamination,environmental pollution aggravated, and because of the work pressure and the lack of exercise, so the hospital’s patients are increasing, and ward is often in short supply。 Patients have more and more demands for air quality and comfort in hospital ward, so it is concerned by the people。 the airflow distribution and the flow condition in the ward under various air flow can be knew, which provides the theoretical basis for the selection of ventilation mode in the general ward。

This paper caries on the operation to the summer cooling load of the hospital room in Nanjing,and gets the fresh air quantity and the ventilation rate,according to the standard to the room temperature,the ventilation temperature difference and the relative humidity。Up-supply and down-return,up-supply and up-return,down-supply and up-return three airflow organization forms were simulated by Fluent software, we can draw their temperature and velocity distribution clouds。 This provides a theoretical basis for the choice of ventilation mode in the general ward。

Firstly, the importance of the wards of airflow are analyzed, Secondly, this paper summarizes the research status of air flow organization at home and abroad。 Finally, according to the situation of Nanjing a general ward in Nanjing, the simulation analysis of various air flow organization forms were carried out。

The research results show that the upper air inlet and lower air outlet airflow organization form is more applicable to hospital summer air-conditioning requirements。

Keywords: ward air flow organization; temperature field; velocity field; Fluent simulation software 

目  录

第一章  绪论 1

1。1 课题的背景意义 1

1。1。1 空调房间内气流组织设计的重要性 1

1。1。2 医院病房内气流组织形式研究的必要性 1

1。2 国内外研究现状 2

1。2。1 国内外关于气流组织的研究现状 2

1。2。2 国内外CFD模拟技术研究历史与现状 3

1。3 研究的内容、方法和技术路线 4

1。3。1 本文研究的主要内容 4

1。3。2 研究方法 4

1。3。3 技术路线 Fluent病房内气流组织的研究+程序:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_101712.html
