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时间:2018-03-08 15:37来源:毕业论文

.关键词    模糊控制  倒车入库  matlab仿真
Title     Design and simulation with fuzzy controller  in car reversing storage                            
With the continuous development of people's living standard's increasing and the modern automobile industry, the automobile quantity increases year by year, the car has become a tool in our daily life. Traveling by car is in the process of reversing caused by traffic accidents also grow with each passing day, with more and more crowded and narrow car parking spaces, parking difficult question also gradually attention. At present, reversing aid tool is relatively common reversing radar and reverse image system, although to some extent alleviated the difficulty of reversing, ease the pressure on drivers, but the ultimate solution to the parking problem is the development of now the day's                       automatic reversing intelligent system, realize the automation and intelligence of the reversing process. This paper is on the premise, mathematical modeling of vehicles, to determine the range of input and output membership functions, combined with MATLAB to design the fuzzy controller, automatic backing with the use of fuzzy control to control the car storage, finally verify the feasibility of the MATLAB simulation.
Keywords  Fuzzy control   Reverse parking   Matlab simulation
1  绪论    1
1.1 车辆自动停车的研究背景    1
1.2 自动倒车系统概述    2
1.3 模糊控制在汽车领域的相关应用    3
1.4 MATLAB软件介绍    3
1.5本文研究的内容    4
2  汽车倒车模型分析    5
2.1 汽车倒车过程分析    5
2.2 汽车转向分析    6
2.3 汽车和停车空间的参数设定    7
2.4 汽车运动过程的数学建模    8
3  小车入库模糊控制器的设计与仿真    11
3.1 模糊控制理论基础    11
3.2 自动倒车模糊控制器的设计    13
3.3 根据条件利用matlab编程    17
3.4 仿真结果和分析    20
结论    26
致谢    27
参考文献    28
附录    30   
1 绪论
自动倒车入库功能已经是目前较高端轿车必备的时尚功能,其实源于倒车问题自身具有的特性包括他的复杂性及其新颖性,它已逐渐演化成了控制领域中比较典型的问题了,被用来检验各种与之相关或类似控制方案的有效性。倒车在日常的汽车驾驶中占有举足轻重的地位,常见的情形有平行停车,垂直停车等。把车停于路边一般需要顺列式驻车即平行停车,放于车库一般需要倒车入库即垂直停车,这几个项目也是驾驶员考试中最令人担心的几项。在驾驶人员技术不够成熟时进行的倒车很容易发生汽车之间的摩擦碰撞甚至于人员的伤亡。 matlab轿车倒车入库模糊控制器的设计与仿真:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_10800.html