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时间:2018-04-10 21:50来源:毕业论文
利用QuartusⅡ工作平台,设计了一种新型的测温系统。本系统主要包括硬件和软件两部分:硬件是在ALTERA的DE2 Development and Education Board的基础上添加18B20构成的

本文采用先进的EDA(电子设计自动化)技术,利用QuartusⅡ工作平台,设计了一种新型的测温系统。本系统主要包括硬件和软件两部分:硬件是在ALTERA的DE2 Development and Education Board的基础上添加18B20构成的;软件由Verilog HDL语言分模块编写而成,主要有分频模块、测温模块、显示模块等。本系统充分利用了FPGA芯片功耗低、密度大、具有嵌入式阵列块和可重复编程的结构特点,因而具有体积小、价格低、功耗低、安全可靠、升级和文护方便。20898
关键词  温度  EDA  FPGA   18B20   Verilog
Title  Design of a Temperature-measuring System    Based on FPGA                       
Temperature is one of the physical which we mostly contact with in our daily lives, closely related to our lives; temperature is one of the important parameters of industrial design and production, determine the quality and performance of products. Therefore, accurate measurement of the temperature becomes critical.
In this paper, advanced EDA (electronic design automation) technology,Quartus Ⅱ work platforms and Verilog HDL (super-high-speed integrated circuit HDL)are used to achieve the design of a temperature-measuring system. The system includes both hardware and software components: the hardware is based on the DE2 Development and Education Board of ALTERA on to add 18B20 constituted; software written in Verilog HDL language of the module, the main partakers frequency module, the module temperature display module. As the full advantage of the FPGA chip density, low power consumption, and structural characteristics can be reprogrammed with an embedded array block, and thus the system is small, low power, low cost, safe and reliable, maintenance and upgrades easy.
Keywords  Temperature  EDA  FPGA   18B20   Verilog
目   次
1  绪论    1
1.1  研究背景与意义    1
1.2  研究现状    1
1.3  本课题所做的工作    2
1.5  论文结构安排    4
2  设计所用硬件介绍    5
2.1  Altera Cyclone II系列 FPGA    5
2.2  DS18B20温度传感器    8
3  设计所用软件(Quartus II)介绍    13
3.1  简介    13
3.2  功能介绍    14
3.3  Quartus II使用说明    14
4  DE2开发板介绍和温度测量模块的扩展原理与过程。    19
4.1  DE2开发板介绍    19
4.2  温度测量模块的扩展原理与过程    20
5   温度采集模块设计    22
5.1  温度采集及显示    22
6  系统程序下载、调试与温度的测量演示    30
6.1  FPGA程序综合与下载    30
6.2  调试    33
6.3  温度测量演示    33
结 论    36
致 谢    37
参考文献    38
附录A   读写八位数据代码    39
附录B  读出字节任务代码    41
附录C  二进制转BCD码模块代码    43
附录D  时钟分频模块代码    44 基于FPGA的温度采集系统设计+源程序+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_12852.html