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时间:2018-05-02 20:21来源:毕业论文

关键词: 角度限位器;单片机;步进电机;液晶显示
Title   Detection System of Angle Limiter Based on Microcontroller                                                                       
Angle limiter is mounted on a rotating shaft with the angle detection means. When the shaft rotates to several preset positions,the angle limiter will send a corresponding signal.In this paper,a stepper motor has been used to drive the shaft and the angle limiter. The microcontroller detects those position signals whether meets predetermined requirements or not. The design and simulation of hardware and software is mainly based on Proteus. This design contains the minimum system of single chip,the control circuit of stepper motor,the detection circuit of angle limiter and the LCD circuit.
Keywords:  Angle limiter, Microcontroller, Stepper motor, LCD
目   次
1  引言    1
1.1  角度限位器    1
1.2  单片机发展状况与现状    1
1.3  步进电机发展状况与现状    2
1.3.1 反应式步进电机    2
1.3.2 永磁式步进电机    3
1.3.3 混合式步进电机    3
1.4  液晶显示技术的发展与现状    3
2  总体设计方案    4
2.1  系统设计原理    4
2.2  系统总体设计框图    4
3  系统硬件模块的组成    5
3.1  单片机控制模块    5
3.1.1 AT89C51单片机基本情况    5
3.1.2 AT89C51单片机结构与功能    5
3.1.3 AT89C51单片机引脚功能说明    6
3.1.4 时钟电路    9
3.1.5 复位电路    10
3.2  步进电机模块    10
3.2.1 步进电机简介    10
3.2.2 28BYJ-48步进电机内部结构与工作原理    13
3.2.3 28BYJ-48步进电机驱动电路    14
3.2.4 ULN2003A芯片特点概述    15
3.3  显示电路模块    16
3.3.1显示电路    16
3.3.2 T6963C控制器时序    18
3.3.3 T6963C控制器指令系统    19
3.3.4 T6963C引脚说明    21
3.4  步进电机控制、检测点按键电路    22
4  软件设计与编译仿真    24
4.1  主程序流程图    24
4.2  其他各模块程序设计    30
4.2.1 步进电机驱动与控制    30
4.2.2 PG160128A液晶屏显示程序设计    32
4.3  Keil与Proteus联合调试与仿真    41 Proteus角度限位器的51单片机检测电路设计+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_14567.html