毕业论文 关键词:教育培训 ;招聘 ;机构教师
Research on the Problems and Countermeasures of Education and Training Industry
—a Case Study of Qinglan Education in Huaian
Abstract: Recruitment is a key process in the development of education and training institutions。 At present, there are many problems in the recruitment process of education and training institutions, such as lack of attraction of local training institutions, unreasonable recruitment standards, single recruitment channels ,Teaching department and human resources department do not match,low level of compensation and benefits。 We should give full play to the role of the network, broaden the recruitment channels, develop scientific recruitment selection methods,strengthen the cooperation between teaching department and human resources department, and improve the mechanism of teachers' salary, make education and training institutions recruitment work more effectively。
Key Words: education and training;recruitment;teachers
一、引言 1
二、淮安市青蓝教育招聘流程分析 1
(一)青蓝教育简介 1
(二)青蓝教育机构师资构成 2
(三)青蓝教育机构教师招聘办法 2
三、青蓝教育机构在在招聘过程中的问题及原因分析 2
(一)教育培训行业招聘现状 2
(二)青蓝教育机构招聘难题及原因 3
四、提升教育培训机构招聘有效性的对策建议 4
(一)选择合适的招聘渠道 4
(二)人力资源部与教学部优化合作 5
(三)唯才是举,适当放开条件 5
(四)关心机构教师食宿生活,提升薪资福利 5
(五)提供发展平台,满足教师自我实现的需要 6
五、结束语 6
参考文献 7
致谢 8
一、引言源G于J优L尔V论N文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766
随着经济发展,越来越多的家长重视且愿意对孩子教育方面进行投资,教育培训行业拥有较大发展前景,当前形势下,为了响应学生们“减负”的呼声,国家对公立学校补课行为有着极其严格的要求。然而,小升初,初升高等选拔性考试一直存在,所谓的“减负”明显会影响学生们的升学效益,而教育辅导机构作为中小学校园教学以外的重要补充,在学生学习知识,查漏补缺,强化提优方面发挥着比较有效的作用。可是,当前的教育辅导机构派系林立,办学质量参差不齐,在教学发展尤其是招聘用人方面存在着许多问题。而教师是在辅导机构中既要教书育人、又要服务于人。因此,优秀教师的科学选拔对机构的核心竞争力具有不可忽视的重要意义。目前,对于教育培训机构来说,教师需求量相对较大,要招聘到适合机构发展并且可以稳定从事该行业的教师,其难度可想而知。 教育培训行业招聘问题及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_198521.html