Abstract : In our daily life, we are exposed to a variety of devices related to temperature almost every day。For instance,In summer, the weather is hot, people use the fan as a good medicine for summer。But in some areas the temperature difference between day and night is very large, the temperature is very high during the day, and in the evening the temperature decreases。Although you can adjust the speed of the fan to reduce the speed, but it is necessary to replace the stalls artificially, and then fell asleep at night can do nothing。On the other hand, only the timing of the fan can not meet the functional requirements of the temperature change
on the size of the wind speed。Therefore, this article has designed based on the monolithic integrated circuit (STC89C52RC) the temperature control fan system, uses the monolithic integrated circuit (STC89C52RC) as the control system, the temperature sensor (DS18B20) takes the temperature measuring system。To set the temperature and the temperature detected by a temperature sensor system of the automatic start and stop and realize the fan, and according to the value of the temperature change of the rotational speed of the fan, and the use of 5641BS digital tube display of the measured temperature and the set temperature。Preset temperature setting through two keys, respectively, increase and decrease temperature。
Key words:STC89C52RC,5641BS Nixie tube,temperature sensor
目 录
第1章绪论 5
1。1研究本课题的目的和意义 5
1。2发展现状 5
第2章系统硬件组成 6
2。1系统结构 6
2。2主控芯片介绍 6
2。2。1STC89C52RC简介 6
2。2。2STC89C52RC单片机引脚说明 8
2。2。3STC89C52RC单片机最小系统 10
2。3DS18B20温度采集电路 11
2。3。1DS18B20的特点及内部构造 12
2。3。2引脚功能介绍 13
2。3。3DS18B20的工作原理 14
2。4数码管驱动显示电路 16
2。4。1数码管驱动电路 16
2。4。2数码管显示电路 17
2。5风扇驱动电路 17
2。6按键模块 18
第3章系统软件设计 STC89C52RC单片机温控风扇设计+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_199497.html