
当前位置: 毕业论文 > 自动化 >


时间:2024-05-22 22:12来源:95456





Abstract:With the continuous development of science and technology and the continuous improvement of the level of knowledge, today's industrial production site began to use large-scale automation technology. In order to make the actual production process of the product more stable and efficient, automatic batching technology has been widely used in chemical, metallurgical metals, minerals, food, electricity, coal and other fields. In this paper, we focus on the automation of the belt batching system, and link the  PLC (S7-200) produced by Siemens Company and the "Kingview King" software installed in the computer, and finally get an automatic batching system controlled by "Kingview" The Mainly to solve the belt automatic batching system stability control and the host computer monitoring interface development issues. In the process of monitoring the interface design, this article will also belt automatic batching system function  in  the  host  computer  to  further  expand,  easy  to  user's  operation      and management..Ultimately, the user can not only control the entire process of ingredients in the field, but also in the host computer monitoring interface to monitor and manage the operation of the entire system, the system for remote control..

Keywords:configuration software,PLC,ingredients,man- machine monitoring interface


第一章 绪论 1

1.1背景 1

1.1.1PLC的发展趋势 1

1.1.2组态软件的发展 3

1.2配料系统国内外发展状况 4

1.3本文研究内容 5

1.4本章小结 6

第二章配料系统总体设计 7

2.1系统总体设计思路 7

2.2组态软件选择 7

2.2.1国内外组态软件介绍 7

2.2.2“组态王”软件介绍 7

2.3PLC介绍及选型配置 8

2.4配料系统设计 8

2.4.1皮带配料系统介绍 9

2.4.2皮带配料系统构成 9

2.5皮带转速PID调节设计 11

2.5.1皮带传送工作原理 11

2.5.2PID调节原理 PLC自动配料系统设计+梯形图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_203969.html
