
当前位置: 毕业论文 > 自动化 >


时间:2024-06-11 22:41来源:95554





ABSTRACT:Generally,underwater vhicles are working in a complex marine environment.There are various uncertain factors in the marine environment, which will affect the motion control performance of underwater vehicles and the efficiency of underwater operation. In order to control the underwater vehicle accurately and stably, the key problem is the design of the motion controller.This is also the main research content of this paper.

Firstly,the general structure of the underwater vehicle and the number of the propeller are determined, after learning from the excellent research results related to the subject at home and abroad.Through the detailed force analysis of the underwater vehicle, the forces and torques of the underwater vehicle in all directions are obtained. Then we use the transformation between the body coordinate system and the ground coordinate system to build the underwater vehicle’s motion control model.The S-function of MATLAB software is used to realize the model.Meanwhile,open-loop simulations are carried out to verify the correction of the model.

Then the motion controller of the underwater vehicle is designed and simulated. The motion characteristics of the underwater vehicle are nonlinear and strongly coupled, and its mathematical model is also a typical nonlinear system model. The Backstepping control method is a powerful tool which has strong robustness to the nonlinear system.  Therefore, a Backstepping-based motion controller is designed in this paper to realize the variable depth control and to stabilize the closed-loop system.At last, the simulation results show that this controller can control the underwater vehicle’s depth tracking effectively and has good control performance at the same time.

Key words: Underwater Vehicles; Nonlinear motion model; S-function;Backstepping control method; vertical plane motion control


第一章绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2水下机器人的研究概况及发展趋势 1

1.2.1水下机器人的研究概况 1

1.2.2水下机器人的发展趋势 3

1.3水下机器人运动控制方法概述 4

1.3.1传统PID控制 水下机器人非线性运动控制器设计与仿真:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_204149.html
