
当前位置: 毕业论文 > 自动化 >


时间:2024-07-21 10:59来源:95933




Abstract:Robot is a comprehensive subject developed in modern times.It is one of the greatest achievements of mankind in the twenty-first Century.The biped robot is design is anthropomorphic,has good adaptability in some irregular environment,at the same time the biped robot can work together with us in the human production and life, broaden the robot needs in development of human,bring a good user experience. Therefore,biped walking robot has broad application prospects.

This paper first introduces the development of biped robot at home and abroad, and then puts forward the overall design idea according to the task of the robot,and the composition of the main control board hardware,through careful study of human walking and somersault movements,walking gait of the robot is simply planning, design  a simplified structure model.Finally,the principle of PWM output is put forward, and all the programs of biped walking robot are designed.

After the completion of the design,the program is downloaded to the main control board to verify the feasibility of the program design.Through repeated debugging and verification,the biped robot can meet our expectations.

Keywords: Biped robot; Gait planning ;PWM output


第一章绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 双足机器人的研究历程 1

1.3研究双足机器人原因、目的及应用前景 2

1.4国内外双足机器人研究的历史及现状分析 3

1.5国内外双足机器人发展趋势 4

第二章 机器人的系统设计方案 6

2.1系统方案 6

2.2驱动装置的选择 6

2.3舵机的构造及其工作原理 7

2.4标准舵机数据参考 8

2.5本文所使用的舵机的产品参数 8

2.6自由度的配置 9

2.7双足机器人结构和材料的选用 9

2.8实物图机械简图如下(图2-4) 10

第三章控制系统的方案设计 11

3.1核心控制板的构成 11

3.2主控芯片的选择 11

3.3电源模块简介 基于单片机的竞技双足机器人设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_204341.html
