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时间:2018-08-21 09:49来源:毕业论文

关键词  电子信息  物联网  传感器网络  实验  通信
Title   Design and Implementation of the experimental platform for the Internet of thing                 
With the development of science and technology, Internet of things has become following the computer, Internet and mobile communication network of the world information industry the third wave. To deepen students understanding of the concept of the Internet of things and the network technology base master and strengthen networking technology teaching has become a pressing issue. Therefore, composed of light sensors, temperature and humidity sensors, CC2430 chip and MCU simple sensor network is designed, which is network experimental platform. Including the hardware circuit design, software design of MCU, the realization of the detection of light intensity and air temperature and humidity, and can carry out wireless communication with the host computer. This device can be applied to the students' understanding of basic concepts for networking and learning for application in the design of wireless sensor networks.
Keywords  electronic information  Internet of things   sensor network  experiment  Signal communication
目   次
引言    2
1.1论文的背景及意义    2
1.2 研究现状及前景    2
2 系统的功能及整体设计方案    5
2.1  整体设计方案    5
2.2 工具平台的选择    6
3 硬件设计    7
3.1  微处理模块的选型与设计    7
3.2 通信模块的设计    9
3.3串口模块的设计    12
3.4LED电路模块设计    13
3.5传感器模块设计    13
3.6LCD液晶显示模块设计    16
3.7系统电源模块设计    16
3.8印刷电路板的设计    17
4 系统软件设计部分    19
4.1整体系统程序流程图    19
4.2模数转换子程序的设计    20
4.3 显示子程序的设计    20
4.4 无线收发子程序的设计    21
5实验结果分析    23
结  论    25
致  谢    27
参 考 文 献    28

1.1  论文的背景及意义
    物联网是在计算机网络的基础上,通过射频识别(RFID)、红外感应器、导航定位系统、激光扫描器、环境传感器等信息传感设备,按照预先设定好的协议,把任何物品与互联网相连接,进行信息交换和数据通讯,以此来实现智能化识别、定位、跟踪、监控和管理的一种网络。物联网技术已成为全球信息产业在新世纪的重点发展方向。物联网技术势必将对未来人类社会发展产生巨大的推动作用。 单片机物联网实验平台的设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_21735.html