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时间:2018-12-03 17:10来源:毕业论文

关键词  变电所  110kV  设计  接线  一次设备  短路计算     
Title    A 110kV buck substation design of XX county         
In this design,Through the analysis of the substation’s  load to identified the main transformer substation and the transformer substation’s  transformer number and model.According to "35 ~ 110kV substation design specifications" Manual of regulations were drawn up high and low side once part of the main electric connection schemes, and the advantages and disadvantages of the actual situation of the substation by comparing the plan to finalize the Institute of Electrical Main connection form.Calculated data conditions specified by the rule book and previous short circuit, respectively, high and low side prepared a selection of electrical equipment, and by checking its dynamic stability, thermal stability and other restrictions to determine the device type. According to norms and habits to determine the high and low side of the bus and the type of material, by choosing specific calibration parameters determine the bus models. According to "3 ~ 110kV high voltage electrical installations" to determine the form of high and low voltage power distribution equipment, initially laid out power distribution unit. Finally, according to the design drawing substation main electrical wiring diagrams, and floor plan substation.
Keywords  Substation  110kV  Design  Wiring   Primary equipment   Short circuit calculation 
目   录
1  引言    1
2  任务说明及分析    2
2.1  变电站原始资料    2
2.2  设计内容及成果    3
3  负荷分析计算及变压器的选择    4
3.1  负荷分析计算    4
3.2  主变压器的选择    4
3.3  所用变压器的选择    6
4  电气主接线的设计    8
4.1  变电站电气主接线的要求    8
4.2  主接线的方案拟定与选择    8
5  短路电流计算    11
5.1  短路电流计算条件    11
5.2  短路计算过程    12
6  电气设备的选择    15
6.1  电气设备选择的原则    15
6.2  110kV侧电气设备的选择    15
6.3  10kV侧电气设备的选择    17
6.4  母线的选择    20 县城110kV降压变电站设计+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_26996.html