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时间:2018-12-23 22:03来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词  配电网 故障定位  行波法  小波分析  Matlab
Title  Study on the algorithm of distribution network fault location
Along with the social economic development, the level of industrialization is improving constantly, dependence of high quality electricity is becoming more and more strong. Due to the power grid is the last part of the electric power generation, transmission and distribution, accurate fault location of distribution network is an important basis.
This paper summarizes the research status of experts and at present for the fault location algorithm,and has put forward specific fault location algorithm, it compares advantages and disadvantages of various methods.Then expounds the theory content of the traveling wave ranging algorithm, and several kinds of the traveling wave ranging methods is described in detail. At the same time  a single-ended ranging method and a double side ranging method are adopted. At last, through the simulation modeling of power distribution system are simulated in the Matlab software environment, analyses the experimental data, tests the method for fault location accuracy, the determining method of traveling wave fault location algorithm is effective and viable.
Keywords  distribution network;fault location;traveling wave method;the wavelet analysis;Matlab
目   次
1  绪论    1
1.1  课题的研究背景及意义    1
1.2  国内外电网故障定位的研究现状    2
1.3  本文的主要研究工作    5
2  配电线路故障行波特征分析    7
2.1  行波的基本理论    7
2.2  单相接地故障模量分析    14
3  现代行波测距方法    17
3.1  传统行波法故障测距的原理    17
3.2  新型故障测距方法    21
3.3  行波法故障测距的主要技术问题    23
4  小波变换及其在故障测距中的应用    25
4.1  小波变换的基本概念    25
4.2  小波基的选取    25
4.3  小波分析的消噪特性    26
4.4  小波变换的模最大值    28
5  故障测距的仿真分析    30
5.1  新型单端法仿真分析    30
5.2  新型双端法仿真分析    39
结  论    46
致  谢    47
1  绪论
1.1  课题的研究背景及意义
作为配电系统的重要组成部分,配电网主要是由架空路线、杆塔、隔离开关、电缆、配电变压器、无功补偿电容和其他附属设备等组成,在电力网中起重要分配电能的作用,是连接输电网络和电力用户的桥梁,是能量传输的枢纽。伴随着电力系统规模不断扩大,加之我国幅员辽阔,输电线路往往距离长,电压等级高,电力线路的故障定位更显得尤为重要。配电网输电线路在运行过程中发生的故障主要包括接地故障、相间故障等,一旦故障发生,将会对生产作业和居民生活带来巨大的损失。对于配电网的故障定位、快速隔离和高效抢修已经成为电力工作者日趋精益求精的课题,是一项具有巨大经济意义的课题。 Matlab配电网故障定位的算法研究:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_28217.html