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时间:2017-02-13 21:06来源:毕业论文

Title     The design of the GPS monitoring software based on MFC                    
Global Positioning System (GPS) is the most widely used and the best navigation and positioning system currently. On the basis of the understanding of GPS theory,this design writes a GPS monitoring software. This paper first introduces the hardware devices related to the design, and then analyzed the theory of GPS positioning and NMEA-0183 agreement as the theoretical basis of the software design. In the process of software design, this article designs several modules for serial communication, GPS protocol resolution based on the analysis of functional requirements. Finally, we complete the software writing. The final test results show that the use of this design works well, which is with serial communications and GPS monitoring. End of this article is also to improve the direction of the GPS monitoring software, and development prospects to make the outlook.
Keywords  Global Positioning System,Protocol Resolution,Serial communication

目   次
1 绪论    1
1.1 研究背景    1
1.1.1 GPS的历史    1
1.1.2 GPS的现状与发展前景    2
1.1.3中国GPS导航的发展    4
1.2 设计目的    4
1.3 本文工作安排    4
2 硬件设备    5
2.1 GPS接收机    5
2.1.1 GPS接收机简介    5
2.1.2 GPS接收机测距原理    5
2.1.3 GPS接收机的参数    7
2.2 RS-232串口    7
2.2.1 RS-232串口通信标准概述    7
2.2.2 RS-232串口接口连接器    7
2.2.3 RS-232串口电气特性    7
3 GPS相关原理    8
3.1 GPS定位原理    8
3.2 GPS NMEA-0183协议    10
3.2.1 NMEA-0183协议简介    10
3.2.2 $GNGGA 协议(定位信息)    10
3.2.3 $GNGSA协议(卫星PRN数据)    10
3.2.4 $GNGSV协议(各通道卫星信息)    12
3.2.5 $GNGMV 协议(速度信息)    12
3.2.6 $GNZDA协议(时间信息)    12
4 软件设计    12
4.1 功能需求分析    12
4.1.1 RS-232串口参数配置模块    13
4.1.2 GPS协议解析模块    13
4.1.3 数据实时显示模块    14
4.1.4 实时曲线模块    15
4.1.5 数据实时保存模块    15
4.2 开发工具    16
4.2.1 Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0    16
4.2.2 MFC    16
4.2.3 TeeChart Pro V5控件    17
4.3 详细设计    17
4.3.1系统流程    17
4.3.2 GPS数据传输过程    18 基于MFC的GPS监测软件的设计+流程图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_2952.html