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时间:2019-03-30 13:28来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词  GPS 软件接收机 跟踪 二阶锁相环
Title    Design of tracking loop of   GPS software receiver                       
    GPS is global positioning system,and which has the characteristics of global coverage and
all-weather work. Currently, GPSA receiver is more widely used in the land, air and maritime
field and has played a great role in the positioning and navigation for users. With the upgrade of
GPSA and the development of new satellite navigation system,compared to traditional GPSA
receiver, GPSA software receiver with the features of low cost and high flexibility is more
prominent.This paper mainly studies the capture part and the tracking part, and also calculates
the position in MATLABA.There is wide choice for loop parameters and discriminator in designing tracking loop of GPSA software receiver.At first,the performance of different discriminators in code and carrier loop are compared based on analyzing the principle of GPSA tracking.Then the tracking effects with different loop parameters are simulated and compared.At last,a couple of discriminators are selected and proper loop parameters are designed to track actual GPS intermediate frequency signal , and the tracking results validate the design.
Keywords  GPSA;software receiver; tracking;second order phase locked loop
目   次
1  绪论 1
1.1 GPS接收机概述   2
1.2  GPS软件接收机的研究   2
1.3 本文的主要内容与组织架构   3
2  GPS系统原理 4
2.1  GPS系统总体架构 4
2.2  GPS信号组成5
2.3 GPS定位原理 9
2.4 GPS接收机体系结构 10
3  GPS接收机信号跟踪技术  12
3.1 GPS信号捕获的数学原理 12
3.2锁相环基本原理  14
3.3跟踪环路  16
3.4二阶锁相环  20
4  算法实现与分析  21
4.1 环路参数对跟踪效果的影响  21
4.2 实际信号的跟踪  21
4.3 实验仿真结果图 21
结论  25
致谢  26
1  绪论
美国国防部、海陆空三军联合研制的GPS系统是一类新型的卫星导航系统,它的英文名称之为“Navigation Satellite Timing And Ranging / Global Positioning System”,含义为“卫星测时测距导航全球定位系统”,简称叫做GPS系统。该无线电导航定位系统具有陆地海洋航空与航天的全能性、全球性、全天候的连续性和实时性的导航定时和定位的功能,利用卫星定位,它可以给各种用户提供精确的三文坐标、速度和时间的服务[1]。
如下图所示,空间系统、地面支撑系统和用户部分三部分组成了 GPS 系统。
GPS空间部分:优尔个等距轨道里分布着24个卫星,它们构成了GPS的空间部分。在每个轨道平面具有四个卫星,它们的空间间隔约为90度,与地球呈55度,然而却在相同的方向运行。经度,纬度,时间和海拔:用户可以有四个卫星通过测量参数的到达时间确定四个导航卫星。每个GPS卫星对应一组数字,他们有各种常用的PRN数字。关键是定位精度稳定性高频率标准的水平,为了实现这个每一个GPS卫星配备有两个铯原子钟和两个铷原子钟[2]。 Matlab的GPS接收机信号跟踪环路设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_31309.html