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时间:2019-04-27 15:54来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词: 三相异步电动机;矢量控制;Matlab/Simulink
Three-phase ac asynchronous motor vector control simulation
Abstract:In order to make the effect of dc motor control ac motor, the torque control and decoupling problems need to be solved, nowadays the most reasonable one technology, vector control technology, can be obtained at high performance ac motor control, perfect to solve the above problems.
   In this article, the asynchronous motor speed control system to carry on the simple classification, based on the vector control and direct torque control of development process, present situation analysis, reasoning, designed the corresponding solutions.
   In this paper, by using the theory of transformation of coordinates to establish the mathematical model of three-phase asynchronous motor, and synchronous rotating coordinate system is pided into two phase rotating coordinate system, three kinds of three-phase static coordinate system. The three-phase static coordinate system mathematical model of multiple variables.
   This design needs to use the Matlab/Simulink software, in which the module including speed control, vector controller (SVM), comparison of current pulse generator module, IGBT circuit and three-phase asynchronous motor and feedback circuit, a total of six modules, the system simulation model. By mastering the principle of each module, trying to change the speed and load torque conditions are simulated. Result shows that the speed of the motor will have a period of time of fluctuations, is relatively short, then stable gradually, this will verify the validity of the asynchronous motor vector control system modeling.
Key words: Three-phase asynchronous motor ,vector control,Matlab/Simulink
目    录
第一章 绪论1
1.1  引言    1
  1.2  异步电机调速系统简介    1
  1.3  矢量控制技术发展与现状    2
1.3.1 发展背景[13]    2
    1.3.2 发展历史[13]    3
    1.3.3 发展现状    3
  1.4  直接转矩控制技术发展与现状    5
  1.5  异步电机仿真软件    7
    1.5.1Matlab/Simulink    5
    1.5.2PSpice软件      6
    1.5.3Saber软件      7
第二章 总体方案设计8
  2.1  异步电动机的数学模型     8
  2.2  变频调速系统     8 Matlab三相交流异步电机的矢量控制仿真:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_32689.html