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时间:2019-09-09 19:25来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:单片机; 车流量检测; Proteus
Abstract With the rapid development of science and technology, the number of cars at the same time the traffic congestion problems grow with each passing day, the city has become an international problem. Although the traffic control system in a certain extent can meet the need of simple direct traffic, but there are obvious shortcomings, which have relatively fixed red time, not with the traffic flow changes in real-time display of time. Red light. In order to ensure safe and efficient traffic order, in addition to the development of some of the necessary traffic rules, but also through a certain scientific and technological means to optimize the. According to the demand characteristics of traffic lights in real life, the control function with the 8051 microcontroller core, a basic design method for single chip microcomputer to control traffic lights, which are designed to include traffic detection, emergency handling, time display settings, LED countdown and other necessary functions. According to the regulation on the road traffic situation in real time on road traffic, reduce traffic intersection traffic jams, and the fault detection function, the maximum extent to ensure more intelligent, practicability and reliability, the maximum to meet the growing demand for transportation system.
Keywords: SCM; traffic detection; Proteus  
目    录
摘    要    II
Abstract    III
第一章  绪论    1
1.1交通灯控制逻辑电路设计的背景及意义    1
1.2交通灯控制系统的发展及国内外研究状况    1
1.2.1交通灯控制系统的发展    1
1.2.2国内外交通控制系统的状况及不足    2
1.3基于单片机的交通控制系统主要研究的内容    2
第二章 交通灯控制逻辑电路的总体设计    4
2.1 交通灯控制逻辑电路的通行方式设计方案    4
2.2交通灯控制逻辑电路的原理    4
2.3交通灯控制逻辑电路的原理    5
第三章 交通灯控制逻辑电路系统的硬件要求及设计    6
3.1系统中电路的组成及工作原理    6
3.2 AT98C51单片机简单介绍    7
3.2.1单片机的概述    7
3.2.2 AT89S51芯片内部结构简介    7
3.2.3 主要引脚功能    8
3.2.4 AT89S51芯片最小系统    11
3.3系统中其他硬件的设计    12
3.3.1车流量检测电路及模拟    12
3.3.2八段LED数码管    13
3.3.3发光二极管    14
第四章 系统软件程序的设计    16 8051单片机交通灯控制逻辑电路设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_39044.html