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时间:2019-12-23 19:28来源:毕业论文



Propylene distillation column control system design based on kingview

Abstract: Subject of the graduation project is design of automation topics, belong to the cascade control system in distillation columns. Distillation through the multistage distillation, mixing of gas-liquid two-phase hybrid contact and isolation many times, and mass and heat transfer, and reached a high degree of separation of the components in the mixture, and high-purity products. This paper focuses on propylene fractionating Tower for the study, based on analysis of their processes and systems, combining factors such as temperature, flow control system design, and the design of instruments, controllers, monitors and other rational choice. Cascade control of distillation columns, distillation temperature as the main control factor to the heating steam flow as Deputy was charged. And application of the Kingview software simulation of the entire control scheme, propylene distillation column control system will meet the requirements of industrial production.

Keywords: Distillation; the temperature; flow; cascade control

目 录

1.绪论 5

1.1 课题的目的和意义 5

1.2 国内外研究现状与水平 5

1.3 发展趋势 8

2.精馏塔的控制 9

2.1 概述 9

2.1.1 精馏原理 9

2.1.2 精馏塔的主要干扰因素 10

2.1.3精馏塔的控制要求 10

2.2 精馏塔的特性 11

2.2.1 精馏塔的静态特性 11

2.2.2 精馏塔的动态特性 13

2.3 精馏塔被控变量的选择 14

2.3.1 温度控制 15

2.3.2 流量控制 16

3.串级控制系统 17

3.1 串级控制系统的概述 17

3.2 串级控制系统的特点 17

3.3 串级控制系统的工业应用 19

3.4 串级控制系统的整定 20

3.5 串级控制系统的设计 22

3.5.1 主参数的选择和主回路的设计 22

3.5.2 副参数的选择和副回路的设计 22

3.5.3 串级控制系统控制参数选择 23

3.5.4 主、副控制器规律的选择 23

3.5.5 主、副调节器正、反作用方式的确定 组态王Kingview丙烯精馏塔控制系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_44021.html
