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时间:2020-03-05 13:31来源:毕业论文

Electric power industry is the foundation in many countries in the field of energy industry, power on the construction of national economic development, social and national stability and life have an important role, the modern society can not do without power supply. With the development of power industry, power load forecasting is becoming more and more important in the development of power load forecasting, and the research of power load forecasting is becoming more and more important. Power load forecasting is an important basis for the development of electric power production. In this paper, the power system load forecasting methods are studied.
This paper is based on the current research status of the power load forecasting, the method of power load forecasting is discussed. Power system load variation is mainly influenced by two aspects: the load changes will be affected by uncertain factors, which will lead to the fluctuation; and on the other hand, its periodic variation makes load curve is similar, showing a strong nonlinear characteristics. This paper mainly introduces the principle of neural network, neural network based on neural network, a multi-layer neural network model is generally pided into three layers: input layer, output layer, and the middle. BP neural network method is the main method of neural network learning, BP neural network using error back propagation method. The mapping from the input to the output is realized through the training samples.By selecting the electricity consumption data of a certain area in a certain period of time, the simulation is carried out based on the MATLAB platform, and the prediction error is also analyzed.
Key words: power load; forecasting method; neural network
目  录
        第1章 绪论    1
1.1 课题背景和意义    1
1.2 国内外研究现状及存在的问题    1
1.3 本文的研究内容    2
1.4 本章小结    3
    第2章 电力负荷预测的基本理论    4
2.1 电力负荷预测的定义    4
2.2 电力负荷预测基本原则和要求    4
2.2.1 电力负荷预测的基本原则    4
2.2.2 电力负荷预测的基本要求    5
2.3 电力负荷预测的分类    5
2.4 电力负荷预测方法的分类    6
2.5 电力负荷预测的基本工作程序    8
2.6 本章小结    9
    第3章 神经网络的预测方法    10 电力负荷预测方法研究:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_47507.html