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时间:2020-03-07 21:12来源:毕业论文

PLC programmable controller is a microprocessor based, integrated computer technology, automatic control technology and communication technology, the technology development and a new type of industrial control devices. It has simple structure, easy programming, high reliability, easy to operate, and other advantages, has been widely used in industrial process and the location of the automatic control. According to statistics, programming controller is industrial automation device used the most in a device. Experts say, programming controller will become one of the main means for the industrial control in the future and important basic equipment, PLC, robotics, CAD / CAM will be the three pillars of industrial production . because of the PLC with the use of the characteristics of strong adaptability to the environment, and its internal timer is very rich in resources, to currently in widespread use of "progressive" signal for precise control, especially the control of multiple fork in the road can be very convenient to realize. So now more and more the application of PLC in the traffic light system. At the same time, the PLC itself also has network communication function, can be on the road with a signal lamp composed of a LAN unified dispatching management, can reduce the waiting time of vehicles, scientific management. In the design is introduced F940 touch screen to simulate the traffic lights at a crossroads flash Light and vehicle traffic, the very image of the PLC in the traffic light system to show the practical application ability.
   demand, good natural gas regulator station with volume control, the automatic control system has become the inevitable choice for the development of gas pressure regulating station. This paper briefly introduces the natural gas pressure regulating station For the principle, then emphatically discusses the application of PLC in the design of automatic control system in gas station.
Key words:Natural gas transportation; station; automatic control system; PLC
目    录
第一章    绪论    1
1.1 本课题的选题背景与设计意义    1
1.1.1 选题背景    1
1.1.2 设计意义    2
1.2 PLC站控系统的运作现状    3
第二章    本课题的设计及其实现方案    4
2.1 课题概述    4
2.2 设计方案    4
2.3 文本框架及任务    5 PLC在天然气释放自控装置中对管道泵的控制+梯形图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_47757.html