    ABSTRACT  With the continuous progress of society, electric power has become a necessity for the development of our society. As a result, the reliability and safety of the power supply are continuously improving, especially the high voltage transmission line. So the application of relay protection in transmission line is also more and more important, its development is very rapid. This graduation design radiation type transmission line protection design, the power grid voltage level is 110kV. The main task is to calculate the distance protection and zero sequence current protection of each circuit breaker in transmission line. The design content includes: in the high-voltage power system operation mode selection, the neutral point of the transformer should be how to ground. When faults occur in the transmission line for the positive, negative and zero sequence network development.The design of the parameters of the components in the transmission network, the design and the main transformer and the microcomputer protection of the main transformer and the line.
    Key words:relay protection; zero sequence current protection; integrate automatic gate;distance protection; operation mode of electric power system; microcomputer protection.
    目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1电力系统的发展和短路故障    1
    1.2电力系统中的继电保护    1
    1.3 本文的主要工作    1
    第二章  电力系统运行方式和线路保护方式    2
    2.1电力系统运行方式的选择    2
    2.2变压器中性点接地的选择    2
    2.3线路保护的配置原则    2
    2.4线路保护配置方案的确定    3
    第三章  电力系统故障点的选择和制定正负零序网络    4
    3.1电气系统主接线图和等值电路图及各短路点    4
    3.2短路点的正负零序网络图    5
    第四章  距离保护的整定计算和校验    7
    4.1电力系统电抗计算    7
    4.1.1基准值选择    7
    4.1.2输电线路等值电抗    7
    4.1.3变压器,发电机电抗    8
    4.1.4最大负荷电流    9
    4.2断路器501距离保护的整定计算和校验    9
    4.2.1距离保护І段的整定计算    9
    4.2.2距离保护ІІ段的整定计算    9
    4.2.3距离保护ІІІ段的整定计算    10
    4.3断路器503距离保护的整定计算和校验    11
    4.3.1距离保护І段的整定计算    11
    4.3.2距离保护ІІІ段的整定计算    11
    4.4断路器504距离保护的整定计算和校验    11
    4.4.1Ⅰ段整定计算    11
    4.4.2Ⅱ段整定计算    12
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