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时间:2020-06-02 19:57来源:毕业论文





abstract With the rapid development of electronic technology and computer technology, has brought great convenience to people's life. Especially the electronic technology represented by single chip microcomputer, let our life and work more and more intelligent, such as the emergence of intelligent light source, enable us to more efficient learning for life.

Subject mainly by single chip microcomputer technology as the core, combined with infrared sensors, light sensors and other sensor technology, through the relevant hardware and software design in order to achieve the effect of intelligent control lighting source. This article describes the working principle of the system hardware, each accompanied by a diagram of the system, introduced this system by the application of the hardware and interface technology and the function of each hardware module and working process; In addition, detailed expounds the procedures of design ideas and implementation process of various modules. This design is based on single-chip computer technology and digital electronic technology, software development technology as the core, combining software and hardware, with the modular design idea to realize this project.

In order to adapt to more and more widespread use of smart mobile devices, the design on the basis of the basic functions, increase the android client on the system of the intelligent control function, the use of more convenient to users body.

Key words: single chip microcomputer; Infrared sensor; Light sensor; The android software





1. 系统方案设计.6

2. 系统硬件设计.8

2.1 电路组成框图8

2.2 系统硬件概述及整机工作原理9

2.3 STM32微处理器简介.10

2.4 CH-06人体红外传感器简介14

2.5 光敏电阻传感器简介17

3. 系统软件设计

3.1 系统软件设计总框架18

3.2 STM32内置AD转换器的设置和使用19

3.3 STM32内置TIM定时器PWM方波输出控制22

3.4 安卓控制客户端软件设计27

4. 系统测试及调试.29

4.1 Keil开发环境的简介和搭建29

4.2 单片机智能光源控制系统设计+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_53544.html
