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时间:2020-06-05 19:34来源:毕业论文



The Vehicle Capable of Measuring Electronic Calendar

Abstract: In this paper, I design a car can be temperature type electronic calendar.It use independent chip to control the data operation technology, combination of hardware and software, each module of the preparation based on hardware , software programming by microcontroller C programming language. This paper elaborates the  role of each module in car temperature design of electronic calendar . In this paper, the technology is based on digital integrated circuits, microcontroller technology as the core, Using the clock chip implementation time and temperature sensor temperature, showing the temperature and timeby digital tube, each digital tube display a number, a May 4 digital (and alternating temperature display) display, light emitting diode to display seconds.

Key Word: Electronic calendar; MCU; Hardware and software; Digital control; Temperature; Time

摘要 1

Abstract 1

引言 1

1.组成部分 2

1.1 整体设计 2

1.2 单片机芯片 2

1.3 时钟芯片 2

1.4 温度传感器 2

2.硬件设计 2

2.1 电路组成的框图 2

2.2 系统硬件概述 3

2.3 各芯片介绍 4

    2.4 数码管显示电路设计 9

3.系统的软件 10

3.1 系统内的功能和主程序 10

3.2  DS12887初始化程序设计 11

3.3 显示子程序设计 11

3.4 时间调整程序设计 11

3.5 温度采集程序设计 12

    3.6 温度值与时间的显示 13

4. 电路安装与调试 13

4.1 电路的安装 13

4.2 电路的调试 13  

5. 整机工作原理和仿真 14

6. 结束语 16

参考文献 17

致谢 18 



    随着科学技术的不断进步,单片机的高性能在各个当面都有了很大的作用。在当今社会,电子产品的技术越来越高,但其产品体积却越来越小,控制也越来越简单,质量变的更好,这都是单片机的技术进步所带来的。所以单片机在社会各个方面占据的地位也越来越重要。 车载可测温式电子万年历+程序+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_53714.html
