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时间:2020-07-05 21:27来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Brushless DC motor brush DC motor is based on the developed. At this stage, although a variety of AC motors and DC motor drive applications dominate, but it brushless DC motor is a universal concern. Since the 1990s, with the improvement of people's living standards and modern production, office automation, household appliances, industrial robots and other equipment tends to be more efficient, miniaturization and high intelligence, as the actuator the important part, the motor must have a high precision, high speed, high efficiency, brushless DC motor applications and thus also growing rapidly. This design is the brushless DC motor control system as an electric drive motor bike, to AT89C51 control circuit, micro controller and motor acquisition Hall comparison level feedback signal, programmable via software control of brushless DC motors.

Keyword:Brushless DC motors, micro controllers, Hall position sensors


1 绪论 4

1.1 无刷直流电机及其控制技术的发展 4

1.2本文研究的意义及主要内容 5

2 无刷直流电机系统结构及工作原理 5

2.1  无刷直流电动机系统的组成 5

2.2基本工作原理 7

3无刷直流电动机控制系统设计 8

3.1基本原理 8

3.2 AT89C51单片机的特点 8

3.3各部分回路设计 9

3.3.1单片机与键盘接口 9

3.3.2单片机与显示数码管接口 10

3.3.3逆变器与驱动电路接口 11

3.3.4限流电路 14

4无刷直流电动机软件设计 15

4.1 直流无刷电机控制器程序的设计 15

4.2 系统各部分功能在软件中的实现 15

4.3  软件流程图 16

4.4  仿真结果和分析 17

结论 19

参考文献 20

致谢 21

1 绪论

无刷直流电机(Brushless DC Motor ,简称BLDCM)用电子换相取代了直流电机的机械换相,把永磁材料做成转子,省去了电刷,因而它具有很强的生命力。无刷直流电机的驱动电路能比较容易的获得方波,反馈装置简单,功率密度高,输出转矩大,控制结构简单,使得BLDCM的应用比直流电机要广泛得多。 AT89C51单片机的无刷直流电机控制设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_55857.html
