
当前位置: 毕业论文 > 自动化 >


时间:2020-07-27 21:34来源:毕业论文




Abstract: Aiming at complex circuit connection traditional buzzer, the disadvantages of job performance is not stable, this system puts forward the method of using single-chip computer AT89C51 is used programming, design intelligent eight-way responder. This system is pided into two parts of the hardware and software. Hardware part with single chip microcomputer, clock module, display module, keys and voice module. The software part is written by C language program each module function. When the circuit into the ready state, waiting for vies to answer first. After the host orders issued vies to answer first, the digital tube driven show the countdown, if they press the button, the program will judge who is pressed, then output vies to answer first the number seven paragraphs code values, by single-chip microcomputer drive, digital tube display, and single chip microcomputer output low level drive buzzer ringing, so as to realize vies to answer first function into the question-and-answer session, microcontroller drive digital tube display the countdown, countdown to end the system reset.

Verified, when host press the start button, vies to answer first the countdown, if you have any contestant vies to answer first, master station shows that the vies to answer first person number and rang the bell remind to answer. If the contestant to answer the question when there are other contestant vies to answer first, as null and void and the game continues. After the contestant to answer a question, the system automatically reset.

Key words: Responder, AT89C51, Timing, Alarm circuits


1 前言.3

2 抢答器的系统概述.3

2.1 设计的主要功能3

2.2 设计的需求分析5

2.3 抢答器的工作流程5

3 单片机的功能简介.5

3.1 51系列单片机的简述5

3.2 AT89C51的简介7

3.2.1 AT89C51的主要特性.7

3.2.2 AT89C51的内部结构.7

4 系统硬件设计.10


4.2 硬件设计原理图10

4.3 原理图各模块说明11

4.3.1 时钟模块.11

4.3.2 显示模块.12

4.3.3 按键模块与发声模块.13

4.4 PCB板的生成.15

5 系统软件设计.16

5.1 设计思想16

5.2 软件设计的总流程图16


6 仿真.24





1 前言

抢答器主要应用于知识竞赛,文体娱乐活动(抢答赛活动)中,能准确、公正、直观地显示出相关信息。传统抢答器只能大概判断出抢答成功或犯规选手台号,无法显示出每个选手的抢答时间。而今抢答器可以通过数据来说明裁决结果的准确性、公平性,使比赛大大增加了娱乐性的同时,也更加公平公正。 基于AT89C51单片机智能八路抢答器设计+程序+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_56991.html
