
    毕业论文关键词:单片机, 日历时钟芯片, 温度传感器 , 液晶屏

    Abstract:The subject mainly completed the calendar clock system design. The calendar clock chip is used of display the clock information, while the temperature inductor chip is used as temperature transmitter. This article mainly introduced the calendar display system design scheme is selected, the composition of the system hardware circuit, software of the system design, the debugging process problems and solutions.The design makes use of the microcontroller as the cybernetics core. First of all, the subject utilizes the calendar clock chip to collect the real time, then we takes advantage of the temperature inductor chip to gather the real-time temperature. Above all, we display the corresponding collected information on the LCD screen. In order to achieve the accuracy of the clock, we can use the key circuit as the calendar clock function it item. The result of the experiment is that we can press a different key to adjust the data and time displayed on the LCD. In summary, the system has a simple hardware design, visualization, full-featured and some other roles. And in the daily study life is very widely used.

    Key words: microcontroller, calendar clock, temperature inductor, LCD screen


    1  绪论 7

    2  设计方案 7

    2.1  功能要求 7

    2.2  方案一 编程实现日历时钟方案 7

    2.3  方案二 DS1302日历时钟芯片方案 8

    3  硬件设计 8

    3.1  硬件设计 8

    3.2  器件介绍 9

    3.2.1  DS1302时钟芯片 9

    3.2.2  DS18B20温度感应器 11

    3.2.3  LCD液晶显示屏 14

    3.2.4  AT89S51单片机 10

    3.3  单元电路设计 16

    3.3.1  DS1302日历时钟电路 17

    3.3.2  DS18B20温度传感器电路 17

    3.3.3  LCD液晶屏显示电路 18

    3.3.4  按键电路 19

    3.3.5  晶振电路 19

    3.3.6  复位电路 20

    3.3.7  单片机电路 21

    3.4  电路引脚功能表 21

    4  软件设计 22

    4.1  软件功能结构图 22

    4.2 各功能模块软件设计

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