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时间:2020-09-24 10:57来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Greenhouse has a high requirement on the temperature and humidity in the life, the traditional method of temperature and humidity control is time-consuming, and inefficient. So an automatic control system for temperature and humidity detection of greenhouse was designed. The design and operating principle were firstly discussed in this paper. Based on that, hardware circuit and software program were designed. AT89C52 was chosen as the central unit in this system. The default limits of temperature and humidity were input by keyboard. The real-time temperature and humidity were detected by SHT71 and displayed on 12864 LCD. When the temperature or humidity exceeds the allowable range, the fans start to regulate temperature and humidity. When the temperature is lower than the preseted value, LED shines to simulate the process of heating. And the motor starts to rotate when the humidity is lower than the preseted value. In these ways,  temperature and humidity management are fulfilled in the designed system. The system is precise, simple, stable and easy to manage.

Key Words: Temperature and humidity control system, defaults ,SCM

目   录 

1 前言 4

1.2 论文主要内容 4

2 温室大棚系统的硬件设计 5

2.1 总体方案的设计 5

2.1.1 设计思想 5

2.1.2 方案的选择与评定 5

2.1.3 系统组成框图 5

2.2 温湿度测量模块 6

2.2.1 温湿度芯片的选择 6

2.2.2 温湿度测量电路 8

2.3 单片机最小系统模块 9

2.3.1 单片机的选择 9

2.3.2 电路组成 9

2.4液晶显示模块 11

2.4.1液晶显示屏的选择 11

2.4.2 液晶屏显示电路 13

2.5键盘模块 13

2.6 调节控制模块 14

2.6.1 温度调节电路 14

2.6.2 湿度调节电路 15

3系统总体流程图 16

3.1 LCD液晶显示程序设计 16

3.2 测量温湿度程序设计 17

3.3 键盘扫描程序设计 18

4 系统仿真与调试 19

4.1 软件调试 AT89C52单片机温室大棚温度控制系统设计+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_61466.html
