Abstract:Various technologies related to SCM had been universal in all areas of life, research,work,etc.and had become a kind of relatively mature technologies.The design is a temperature alarm based on SCM-control,the temperature alarm can collect temperature and set temperature alarm value,to achieve real-time temperature sensing,it works when the temperature is out of the set value.The temperature alarm using AT89S52 micro-controller as the control unit,while aspects of the use of a temperature sensor DS18B20 digital temperature sensor and uses the LCD1602 liquid crystal display monitors to indicate the temperature,and the use of bee as electric buzzer alarm.It can well meet the design requirements,and with high cost performance.The temperature alarm is very simple,highly operable and widely used. The measurable temperature range is from -55 to 125ºC when it works.
Key words:STC89C51,digital control,thermometer, DS18B20,LCD
1 前言 4
1.1 温度报警器的必要性 4
1.2 温度报警器发展现状 4
1.3 选题背景和意义 5
2 系统总体方案设计 5
2.1 系统设计思路 5
2.2 系统总体框架 6
2.3 系统硬件选型 6
2.4 AT89S52单片机技术简介 7
3 系统硬件设计 10
3.1 主控电路部分 10
3.2 最小运行系统部分 11
3.2.1 晶振 11
3.2.1 复位电路 11
3.3 温度采集部分 12
3.4 开关输入部分 15
3.5 液晶显示部分 16
3.6 蜂鸣器、发光二极管报警部分 19
4 系统软件设计 20
4.1软件设计总流程 20
4.2 子程序设计 21
4.2.1 初始化LCD 21
4.2.2 初始化DS18B20 21
4.3 温度的采集与存储 22
5 实验测试结果及分析 23
5.1 设计成果展示 23
5.2 系统测试结果 24
结 论 25
参考文献 26