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时间:2021-03-14 20:27来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  工业加湿器  STC10F08XE  电极式加湿器   智能湿度控制


Title    Current detection-based industrial control system     with a humidifier                               

Abstract The industrial electrode humidifier control system is research. Intelligent humidity control system based on single chip STC10F08XE is designed. The system mainly consists of the humidifier, sensors, digital control unit, display unit and other parts. Humidifiers use three-phase AC to humidify, and set the high alarm sensor chip. Humidity sensor is the version of TDC-BH-TU, which is an independent electronic switches of humidity control and puts out switch signal. Digital control board mainly consists of a programmable multi-chip 8155, the A / D converter MC14433, microcontroller STC10F08XE, relays, potentiometers, capacitors, resistors and other components. LCD display module can display the current operating status of the system. The software portion control the water level through the size of the current between the poles detected by the current sensor, so that the humidifier can work continuously.

Keywords humidifier  STC10F08XE  the electrode humidifier  intelligent humidity control

目   次

1 引言 1

1.1 论文研究的背景及意义 1

1.2 加湿器中的机电一体化技术 2

1.3 本课题主要研究内容 3

2 系统硬件设计 4

2.1 湿度传感器 5

2.2 主控开关电路 6

2.3 CPU控制单元 6

2.3.1芯片选型 6

2.3.2单片机STC10F08XE 7

2.3.3可编程多功能芯片8155的扩展 8

2.4 电流传感器 11

2.5 A/D转换单元 12

2.6 继电器输出单元 14

2.7 键盘输入单元 15

2.8 LCD显示单元 16

3 系统软件设计 17

3.1 软件总体设计思路 17

3.2 湿度采集单元 19

3.3 LCD显示单元 20

4 系统调试 22

结  论 23

致  谢 24

参考文献 25

附  图 27
