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时间:2021-03-16 22:18来源:毕业论文

摘要 作为一个新兴的综合领域,网络控制系统在控制和计算机系统,以及网络资源与技术方面都有所涉及。也正因为这样,网络其本身所拥有的时延和有限资源的局限性,给控制理论带来了新的研究方向和意义。这其中,网络量化控制就是不可缺少的一部分。64501



毕业论文关键词  网络控制系统,带宽受限,静态量化,MEF-TOD,TRUETIME仿真


Title  Quantized-control and simulation for network control system with limited bandwidth


As an emerging integrated field, networked control system covers in the control and computer systems, and network resources and the technical aspects. Precisely because of this, the delay and limited resource constraints of network, brings new research direction and meaning to control theory. Among these, the network quantization control is an indispensable part.

The main subject of this issue is directed towards quantization control system and the quantizer. MEF-TOD and its state feedback controller are also included in the issue. Firstly a static quantization algorithm is proposed, with a mid-tread uniform quantizer. The core idea is to quantize the signals of the input and output of the control the system. The quantization error is treated as sector-bounded uncertainty and a state feedback controller is proposed. With a kind of MEF-TOD scheduling algorithm, taking into account the delay bringing by entire network , state feedback controller is designed to promises that the closed-loop network control system is stable..

Finally, based on simulation tools, Truetime, the simulation model of network control system is build, including static algorithms and MEF-TOD scheduling strategy, simulation design. Results of simulations show the previously discussed methods have certain effectiveness.

Keywords  Network Control System, Limited Bandwidth, Static Quantization,  MEF-TOD, Truetime Simulation 

目   次

1 绪论 1

1.1 NCS的概述 1

1.2 网络控制系统概述 3

1.3 网络控制系统中的调度问题 5

1.4 网络控制系统中的调度问题 6

2 网络控制系统的静态量化调度算法 8

2.1 引言 8

2.2 量化器的设计 8

2.3 静态量化调度算法的设计 9

2.3.1 问题描述 带宽受限的网络控制系统的量化控制和仿真:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_71699.html
