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时间:2021-03-17 19:51来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:视觉识别 目标定位 路径优化 无人飞行器


Title  The Design of UAV Based on The Orientation Tracking Strategies of Insects

Abstract The orientation of insects is based on their capacity and behavior of adjusting their posture and spatial location through internal and external signals. Some kinds of insect can complete the task of target tracing in a wide range of sight. The orientation tracking strategies of insects is rather intriguing. So far, some social insects such as bees or ants and migratory insects are mainly studied by scientists as regard to the orientation tracking strategies. With the continuous development of experimental techniques and rapidly improvement of indoor flight simulators, radar of high-precision and some videos or audios, the trajectory of insects can be completely monitored. Undoubtedly, techniques play an important role in the analysis of orientation and provide a reliable way for the study of strategies. This topic illustrates the insect's orientation tracking strategies from visual identification, targeting as well as path optimization in a successively incremental way and briefly describes the simulation of The Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm utilizing the tool of Matlab. Additionally, this paper briefly describes the prospects of orientation tracking strategy applied in UAV.

Keywords:visual identification  targeting  path optimization  UAV

1 研究背景与历史  1

1.1   研究背景  1

1.2   研究现状  1

2 昆虫定向跟踪现象的生物研究现状  2

2.1   昆虫的复眼  2

2.2   光流及光流场  2

2.3   基于昆虫定向跟踪策略的一些生物学实验  3

2.4   蜜蜂的记忆  4

2.5 蜜蜂群体采蜜行为的研究现状  5

3 无人飞行器的定位跟踪发展现状  7 

3.1   无人飞行器的相关背景  7 

3.2   无人飞行器的视觉系统  7

3.3   图像处理技术  7

3.4   无人飞行器跟踪地面移动目标的特点  8

3.5   无人飞行器的视觉导航方法  8

4 相对角度模型 10

4.1 基于昆虫定向跟踪策略的自主探测器设计Matlab仿真:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_71712.html
