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时间:2021-07-18 15:34来源:毕业论文




毕业论文关键词:S3C2440  波形  中频信号  家用治疗仪

The Design of the Household Therapeutic Apparatus based on Intermediate Frequency Signal 


With the rapid development of society, people are constantly improve their living standards, the quality of life has a lot of improvement. At the same time, people need to pay more attention to their health, and to realize the importance of health. Because only have a healthy body, can go to enjoy life. In numerous treatment now, through the intermediate frequency therapy apparatus to achieve efficacy of this approach is becoming more common. With the rapid development of computer technology, there are many waveform signal can be used in medical treatment, such as square wave, triangle wave, sine wave and sawtooth wave, etc. 

This design results include: the software can generate as many as 11 kinds of treatment of waveform; Output 500 hz to 40 KHZ between arbitrary pulse frequency; Peak of 120 v output waveform. Through the operation of the intermediate frequency therapy apparatus system will output pulse waveform role in human diseases, achieve the goal of treatment. In order to prevent human adaptation to the same waveform, so will be considered in the design to the persity of the waveform, through different frequency output and different intensity of pulse waveform treatment to achieve the goal of treatment.

The paper has a figure 22, table 4, 25 references.

Key word:S3C2440  Waveform  Intermediate frequency signal  Household therapeutic apparatus

目  录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

目  录 III

图清单 V

表清单 VI

1绪论 1

1.1家用治疗仪的简介 1

1.2治疗仪的存在现状和发展前景 2

1.3中频信号简介 3

1.4基于中频信号的家用治疗仪的设计意义 3

1.5主要内容 3

2 基于中频信号的家用治疗仪的总设计方案 5

2.1总方案设计 5

2.2脉冲波形 5

2.3治疗仪的输出波形 7

2.4本章总结 8

3基于中频信号的家用治疗仪的硬件设计 10

3.1 ARM核心控制模块 基于中频信号的家用治疗仪的设计+程序+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_78562.html
