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时间:2021-09-09 21:24来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: AT89C52;DAC0832;稳压电源;单片机编程;proteus

The design of digital stabilized voltage supply based on proteus

Abstract:Nowadays, power sources are used in many fields of daily lives. Nothing can exist without a reliable and effective power, which include toy vehicles played by children and military project and aerospace made by each country. The development of power supplies has a history of over two hundred years. From the initial chemical batteries to the photovoltaic power generation, each invention is a kind of great progress to the development of power electronic technology. However, the requirement of power is improved again and again with the progress of each industry. Meanwhile, the size and stability of power sources are put more emphasis. The general power sources are classified into linear power supplies and switching power supplies. The first of two mentioned has better stability, but with huge size and terrible efficiency; the other one owns little size and good efficiency, but there are harmonic waves in its output voltage. Single chips, digital analog converters and traditional linear power supplies are used in the design of digital voltage-stabilized source. The aim is to make the output voltage of voltage-stabilized source much more stabilized than before and its output voltage can be adjusted and need to be shown on the Nixie tube at the same time. With the help of the software called proteus, the circuit diagram can be designed and simulated on it.

Key Words: AT89C52;DAC0832;voltage-stabilized source;the programming of single chips;proteus








2 设计思路…5

2.1 设计要求…5

2.2 初始设计…5

2.3 改进设计…5

3 设计中的相关技术…7


3.2 单片机中的编程9

3.2.1 AT89C52的组成及内部结构…10

3.2.2 AT89C52的引脚及作用…11

3.3 数模转换技术 12

3.3.1 DAC0832的特点13

3.3.2 DAC0832的组成及内部结构…13

3.3.3 DAC0832的引脚及作用…14

3.3.4 DAC0832的工作状态15

3.4 在proteus中设计稳压电源所用到的技术 16

3.5 本章小结 16

4 总体方案设计 18

4.1 晶振电路 18

4.2 复位电路 18

4.2.1 复位电路的原理… 19

4.2.2 复位电路在proteus中的设计及调试 19

4.3 电流信号-电压信号转换电路20

4.3.1 电流-电压转换电路原理20

4.3.2 电流-电压转换电路在proteus中的设计…21

4.4 AT89C52与DAC0832的引脚接线 21
