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时间:2021-10-11 20:26来源:毕业论文

摘要21世纪是信息化时代,很多先进的科学技术都应运而生,提炼技术也得到 了发展。城镇基础设施的发展使得旧时期的烧煤和燃烧木材来充当能源的方法已 经淘汰,取而代之的是液化石油气和管道煤气,当社区的管道煤气安装到户,人 们在享受便利的同时,一些安全隐患也随之而来。由于疏忽或者意外,在烧煮完 成后,忘记关掉阀门造成煤气泄漏;或者因为年久失修橡胶软管自然老化导致的 破裂造成煤气泄漏的事故屡见不鲜。于是乎人们也认识到需要一款家庭煤气泄漏 监控报警装置来保证自己居住环境的安全。72736

本设计是在采用电话通讯的技术的基础上结合单片机为控制核心的外围电 路设计一种家庭煤气泄漏监控系统。它具有一氧化碳检测功能、键盘录入电话号 码、显示屏显示一氧化碳浓度。根据当前环境中一氧化碳的含量的不同在显示屏 中显示浓度等级,然后根据不同的情况采取不同的措施来减少危险气体含量。

该检测装置包括气体检测部分、显示及键盘部分、电源电路、输出控制、主 控芯片部分和通讯报警共六个部分。

该论文有图 29 幅,表 6 个,参考文献 20 篇。

毕业论文关键词: 一氧化碳 泄漏监控 电话报警 STC89C51

Design of indoor gas leak monitoring system

Abstract Twenty-first Century is the era of information technology, a lot of advanced science and technology have come into being, refining technology has also been developed。 Urban infrastructure development of the old period of coal burning and burning wood to act as energy method has been eliminated, replaced by is liquefied petroleum gas and pipeline gas, when community gas pipeline installed to the home, people enjoy the convenience, safety hidden trouble also subsequently and come。 Due to negligence or accident, after cooking is complete, forget turn off the valve caused a gas leak; or because of disrepair rubber hose aging caused by rupture caused by gas leak accidents are common。 As a result, people also recognize the need for a home gas leak monitoring alarm device to ensure the safety of their own living environment。

This design is based on the use of telephone communication technology based on the combination of single-chip microcomputer as the control core of the peripheral circuit design a family of gas leak monitoring system。 It has the function of carbon monoxide detection, the keyboard input phone number, the display screen shows the concentration of carbon monoxide。 According to the different content of carbon monoxide in the current environment, the concentration level is displayed in the display screen, and then different measures are adopted to reduce the dangerous gas content according to different situations。

The detecting device comprises a gas detection part, a display and a keyboard part, a power supply circuit, an output control, a main control chip and a communication alarm。

Key words: carbon monoxide leak monitoring telephone alarm STC89C51






变量注释表 Ⅵ 1。 绪论 1

1。1 课题研究背景及意义 1

1。2 国内外研究动态和现存问题以及研究目标 2

1。3 本课题的主要研究内容 3

2。系统总体方案设计 STC89C51单片机室内煤气泄漏监控系统设计+程序+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_82803.html
