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时间:2021-10-21 21:45来源:毕业论文

摘 要:本文介绍了一种新型无线遥控音乐门铃,它具有编码功能的超再生无线模块,结合单片机利用中断产生的方波,成为一种声音动听、门铃按钮与声源之间免去连线、安装方便的新型遥控高音质门铃。这种门铃具有功耗低,电路简单可靠,抗干扰能力强,遥控距离远,电路体积小等优点,其接收电路连同主控机喇叭等于一体,可以随意放置在室内有220V交流电源的地方,本设计还可以用电池供电,更加方便!还可变换门铃各种音乐,使声音悦耳动听,满足不同人的生活需要,具有广阔的发展前景。73156


毕业论文关 键 词:无线遥控,音乐门铃,单片机

Abstract: This paper introduces a new type of wireless remote control music doorbell,it adopts super regeneration wireless module with encoding function,combined with SCM interrupt generation square wave,become a sound,the doorbell button and the sound source from the new remote connection,convenient installation and high quality door bell。This bell has the advantages of low power consumption,simple and reliable circuit,strong anti-interference ability,long distance remote control,has the advantages of small volume,the circuit,receiving circuit and the main control machine horn is equal to one,can be placed on a 220V AC power supply in indoor places,this design can also be powered by batteries,more convenient!Can also transform the doorbell music,make a pleasant voice,to meet different needs of life,with broad prospects for development。

This design uses STC89C52 micro controller as the main controller,external and transistor drive playback device,so as to realize the hardware circuit of music playback,wireless module to realize wireless links,more easy to install in the practical application,is the preferred home furnishing,stable performance,long distance remote control,low power。

Key words: wireless remote control  music doorbell  chip

目  录

1  引 言 4

1。1  课题选题背景 4

1。2  国内外研究状况 4

1。3  研究无线遥控音乐门铃的意义 5

2  设计任务 5

3  硬件设计 6

3。1  系统总体框图 6

3。2  电源电路设计 6

3。3  发射电路设计 7

3。4  接收电路设计 9

3。5  主控电路设计 11

3。6  声音驱动电路设计 16

3。7  键盘防抖动设计 19

软件设计 19

4。1  单片机发声的概念 19

4。2  编程软件Keil μVision4 22

4。3  仿真软件Proteus 22

4。4  keil和proteus的联合仿真方法 24

4。5  系统总体程序流程图 24

5  调试与实现 25

5。1  焊接遇到的主要技术问题 AT89C52单片机电子音乐门铃设计+电路图+程序:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_83313.html
