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时间:2021-11-03 20:41来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词:传感器  变频器  PLC  控制系统

Design of sensor testing

Abstract In order to facilitate students to the detection technique of the automatic control theory, distributed control system, process control system, computer control technology, the professional knowledge of the application so the school opened a sensor testing system of experiment and practice class。 With the continuous development of social economy, the continuous improvement of science and technology, sensor testing system is an important part of modern life, will promote economic development。

The sensor testing system mainly consists of three parts: computer configuration software, instrument and meter, PLC control。 In this design is to PLC as a regulator, inverter and control valve structure of the implementation of the cost of the system。 Sensor testing system is based on PLC as the core, with the corresponding digital instruments, sensors and other components, can achieve typical sensor test and complex control experiments。 Through the design of the PLC technology and process control technology, such as a further grasp, for the future work to bring great convenience。

Key  Words: sensor  frequency   converter  PLC   control system


摘  要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

1 绪论 1

    1。1 传感器测试系统设计研究的背景及意义 1

1。2系统研究的现状 2

1。3传感器测试系统的主要结构及功能 2

2传感器测试系统方案设计 4

2。1系统被控对象的组成 4

2。2控制系统的组成 5

2。3被控参数、控制参数的选择 6

2。4控制系统的执行机构 6

2。5传感器测试系统主要功能 6

2。6控制器控制规律的选择 7

3传感器测试系统设计的硬件设计 8

3。1系统框图 8

3。2系统主要设备配置选型 9

    3。3系统电路设计 14

3。4可编程控制器的I/O分配及其外围接线 16

3。5 PLC与计算机连接通讯 17

4传感器测试系统的软件设计 18

4。1传感器测试系统的控制方式 PLC传感器测试系统设计+电路图+程序:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_84117.html
