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时间:2021-11-07 21:39来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词:ZigBee;CC2530; 温度监测

Abstract ACCording to the need of understanding the environment, a temperature monitoring system based on CC2530 is designed。 

Firstly the research meaning of this subject and the development status of domestic for analysis and research, with the comparison of several existing temperature monitoring method, aCCording to life situation monitoring system in the complex environment needs, put forward design of temperature monitoring system based on CC2530。 Subsequently, this paper introduces the design of the ZigBee wireless ad hoc network technology and ZigBee development kit for a brief introduction, and the design of the use of the Z-Stack protocol stack workflow details。 The temperature monitoring system is designed on the basis of the Z-Stack protocol stack, including the temperature acquisition, processing and transmission, the terminal node's sleep and wake up, the coordinator node serial communication, etc。。 In addition, the software of the host computer is verified, and the results are summarized and analyzed。 

The wireless sensor system is able to achieve point to point communication, sensor node is responsible for temperature data acquisition and transmission, the coordinator node is responsible for temperature data receiving and forwarding, the PC software is responsible for the display of temperature data。 The experiment shows that the system can flexibly and aCCurately measure the temperature during the temperature monitoring。 

Key words: ZigBee; CC2530; temperature monitoring 


1 绪论 4

1。1 选题背景及意义 4

1。2 温度监测系统研究情况 4

1。3 ZigBee基本概念 5

1。4论文的主要内容及结构安排 7

2系统总体设计 8

2。1 系统设计思路 8

2。2 系统整体结构 8

2。3 开发平台选型 8

3系统硬件设计 11

3。1 ZigBee协调器节点的电路设计 11

3。3 DS18B20概述 14

3。4 上位机接口电路设计 14

4系统软件设计 15

4。1 软件开发环境IAR简介 15

4。4 PC端显示界面设计 18
