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时间:2021-11-08 21:47来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词:路灯控制系统  物联网  GPRS  ZigBee  远程监控

Design of Street Lamp Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things

Abstract Nowadays, high-tech products are rapidly rising, and the development of the monitoring system has become more and more popular because of the influence of the street lamps on people's life。 The wiring of the traditional monitoring system is too complicated, and once a fault occurs, it can only be reported by passers-by or be  found by regular maintenance staffs。 Street lamp monitoring system, control mode is single, networking difficult issues such as the urgent need to solve。 

    This design uses the single chip technology, GPRS technology and ZigBee technology, designed by a street lamp terminal, monitoring terminal and monitoring management center consisting of street lamp monitoring system。 Design of road lamp terminal can collect the status of street lights, street lamp state through ZigBee module is then transmitted to the monitoring terminal, monitoring master controller of the terminal will dealing with the data by the GPRS module to transmit to the monitoring and management center and in the management center of interface display, so as to realize the street lamp remote monitoring。 On the other hand, the terminal or monitoring center PC interface to send commands and GPRS module realization of receiver functions, the monitoring terminal inside the main controller can be on the order processing, and control commands sent by the ZigBee module to the street lamp terminal, so as to realize the street lamp remote control system。 In this system, not only the hardware part but also the software flow is designed。 Each part of the system can achieve the goal of the system。 

Key words:  Street lamp control system  Internet of things  GPRS                                                                                 

ZigBee   Remote monitoring   

目  录 

摘  要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

图清单 V

表清单 VI

1 绪论 1

1。1路灯照明的现状与发展 1

1。2物联网技术介绍 ZigBee物联网的路灯监控系统设计+电路图+程序:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_84536.html
