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时间:2021-11-09 19:26来源:毕业论文




毕业论文关键词:电力系统  MATLAB/SIMULINK  短路电流计算  故障分析

Fault Analysis and Simulation of Power Systems

Abstract This paper is mainly about the general features of the MATLAB/SIMULIK is introduced ,and further analyzes several typical fault in power system,on the basis of the failure reason,and the phenomenon to infer it’s characteristics。 And then through the modern advanced power system simulation software of MATLAB/SIMULINK for several typical fault of power system to simulate it ,and put forward the basic methods and steps of calculation of short-circuit current。 Through a series of different set, and then finally calculated by the simulation results of the waveform to the actual results are compared, finally combined with the learning theory of book come to a conclusion。 

Can be seen by the results of the theirs, power failure analysis results based on the MATLAB/SIMULINK and the failure results of actual calculation are consistent basically。 Therefore suggests that in power system fault analysis, we can use MATLAB/SIMULINK powerful computation ability and ability to simulate the result what we need。 Can be accurate ability and intuitive curve track the variations of dynamic characteristics of the power system,so that it can be some of reasons for rapid analysis of power system fault and can more quickly solve the problem of fault,it bring a lot of convenience to power department,without get a conclusion by complex calculation process,greatly improve the working efficiency。 

Papers have figure 16 picture,list 3,25 reference。

Key words:The Power System  MATLAB/SIMULINK  Short circuit current calculation  Failure analysis

目  录


     摘要 I

    Abstract II

     图清单 V

     表清单 VI

    变量注释表 VI

第一章 绪论 1

1。1 国内外现状 1

1。2 电力系统故障分析的意义 1

1。3电力系统短路故障产生的原因 2

1。4 电力系统短路的危害 3

1。5 目前我国限制短路故障的方法及措施 3
