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时间:2021-12-12 21:07来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词   温湿度传感器   DHT11   MSP430单片机   实时时钟电路


Title  Environmental Data Analysis Based on the MSP430 Single Chip   Microcomputer                                                   

Abstract With the rapid changes of the scientific technology and the mature stable of the economic society, people begin to pay more attention to our surrounding life environment。 In the environmental parameters, temperature and humidity are widely used and are the most basic, so we need to do a measurement analysis of the temperature and humidity in our environment。 This design develops a intelligent temperature and humidity measurement application system。 The control system chip of this system adopts mature technology and with strong function, low price MSP430 single chip microcomputer and uses the DHT11as the temperature and humidity sensor。 DHT11 date temperature and humidity sensor uses the specialized data module acquisition technology and temperature and humidity sensing technology and has its high reliability and long-term stability。 Simultaneously, it also designs the calendar clock circuit, which can show the real-time clock。 Finally, it designs software program about every functional parts。 The temperature and humidity measurement system designed by this design task is easy, low price, portable and with high reliability, safety and practicability。

Keywords  temperature and humidity sensor   DHT11   msp430 single chip microcomputer    real-time clock circuit 

目 次

1  引言 1

1。1  选题背景、目的及意义 1

1。2  论文的主要内容 2

1。3  课题主要完成的工作 2

2  系统的硬件设计 3

2。1 系统框图的设计 3

2。2 主要芯片的选择及功能的介绍 3

3  系统的软件设计 15

3。1 软件整体设计 16

3。2 子模块设计 17

4  所完成的工作及遇到的问题 21

4。1  开题准备以及软硬件的选择 21

4。2  软硬件的调试及遇到的问题 21

结  论 25

致  谢 26 基于MSP430单片机的环境数据分析:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_86396.html
